𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 & 𝙈𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙨

By BraedimusSupreme

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A/N: the idea of this story originates from the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion', but I've opted to give this... More

Chapter One: Welcome to SHIELD
Chapter Two: Jaeger VS Demon
Chapter Three: Uncertainty & New Home
Chapter Four: School Transfer & Another Attack
Chapter Five: Medicals & May Watanabe
Chapter Six: Shawn Brixton
Chapter Seven: Asuka's Arrival
Chapter Eight: A Coordinated Attack
Chapter Nine: Japan's Jaegers
Chapter Ten: Deep-Sea Dive & City Fight
Chapter Eleven: Our History & Rouge Jeager?!
Chapter Twelve: Fights & Frustrations
Chapter Thirteen: The Rouge Attacks Again
Chapter Fourteen: Terrorists & Black Holes
Chapter Fifteen: Crimson Dynamo & Turmoil
Chapter Sixteen: The Breaking Point
Chapter Seventeen: I've Had Enough!
Chapter Eighteen: Troubleshooting & Problems
Chapter Nineteen: Secrets
Chapter Twenty: My Final Decision
Chapter Twenty-One: Mental Recovery
Chapter Twenty-Two: Blackout & Nitro Zeus
Chapter Twenty-Three: Death Wish
Chapter Twenty-Four: Nothing Can Stop Me Now
Chapter Twenty-Six: A Triple Threat
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ambush
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Future?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Amy & Road Warriors
Chapter Thirty: James Admits
Chapter Thirty-One: All Hands On Deck!
Chapter Thirty-Two: Meeting The Queen
Chapter Thirty-Three: HYDRA Strikes!
Chapter Thirty-Four: A God Arrives
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Titan War Pt1
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Titan War Pt2
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Titan War Pt3
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Titan War Pt4
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Titan War Pt5
Chapter Forty: The Titan War Pt6
Chapter Forty-One: The Titan War Pt7
Chapter Forty-Two: The Titan War Pt8
Chapter Forty-Three: The Titan War Pt9
Chapter Forty-Four: The Titan War Pt10
Chapter Forty-Five: The Titan War Pt11
Chapter Forty-Six: Epilogue

Chapter Twenty-Five: A Change in Management

504 14 28
By BraedimusSupreme

After the short amount of time he began, Braedey has now gotten stronger, faster, and have faster response to anything. Shawn, Linx, Nick, Kieron, and the girls have taken notice to his new change in demeanour and attitude, and seeing he's actually willing to pilot the Jaegers. Braedey also came up with some new battle strategies for some Demons. His attitude seems to be getting to Asuka, much to her frustration and anger, and the others just ignoring her.

Shawn and Linx soon explained to Matilda and Ritsuko about the interoperability tests for Braedey. The two women were skeptical to this plan, but after seeing the new side of Braedey, they decided to give it a try.


Down in Crimson Dynamo's hangar bay, everyone was looking to the mech standing before them, waiting to see if the synchronous process will perform alright. Up in the control box, Ritsuko and Matilda, along with Amy, Shinobu, Hawk, Kieron, Linx, and Shawn were waiting to see how things work. Braedey got in the Conn-Pod, and the systems began to go underway, the brunette keeping quiet and calm to himself.

"What's the status of Crimson Dynamo's personal data?" Ritsuko asked.

"Rewriting now complete. We're currently reverifying it." Maya informed to Matilda and Ritsuko.

"How about the pilot?" Matilda asked next.

"He seems a little nervous, but his nerve signal patterns are normal." Maya informed.

"It is Braedey's time inside of a different Jaeger." Shawn pointed out. "It's a completely different mech, so it makes sense."

"Entry sequence has started. Ionising LCL." Maya informed to Ritsuko. "Commencing primary contact."

"Well, Braedey? What do you think of Crimson Dynamo's Conn-Pod?" Matilda asked to Braedey.

"It feels... a little strange." Braedey replied back.

"Strange, as in uncomfortable?" Ritsuko asked.

"It feels a bit.... a little tight or something." Braedey replied back with honesty. "It doesn't feel the same as Prime."

"Data received. Reverifying. Pattern green. Main power connection complete. All restraining gear, green." Maya informed, as well as other technicians.

"Let's proceed to stage two of the interoperability test, then." Ritsuko said.

"Crimson Dynamo, initiating level two contact." Maya announced, and the Jaeger's optics glow amber, as it lifted its helm up to look ahead.

"Well?" Matilda asked.

"As I expected, his synch rates aren't as high as with Jaeger Prime." Ritsuko said to herself, taking a look at the scans. "Still, these numbers are good. Initiating level three connections."

"All harmonics nominal. Self-psychograph stabilising." Maya informed next.

"Initiating A10 nerve connection. Harmonics level, +20." Maya informed. "Preparing to activate the Neural Handshake."

"Cognitive configuration base rules set to English. Initial contact shows all green. Opening bilateral circuit. Synchronisation rate at 58%." Maya added in.

"So far, so good..." Linx commented.

Braedey raised his head, ready for the process to happen. He now clenched his fists, as he began to slowly make the hands of Crimson Dynamo flex and clench at times.

"Look at that..." Shawn commented, seeing the hands of the mech start to move. "He might have achieved synchronicity with Crimson Dynamo."

"Anything else, Braedey?" Linx asked.

"I... I don't know. It feels... sort of strange, not like Prime." Braedey replied. "I don't know how to say it, but... I just feel a little weird while inside."

"It's alright, partner. We can work something out." Linx reassured to Braedey. "Still, best we should be ready for action."

"Right." Braedey replied, the interoperability test now coming to an end, the brunette stepping out of the Conn-Pod. But, as he left, alarms began to blare out. Another Demon has been sighted approaching Manhattan-2.0, and closing in fast. "What?"

"What's going on?" Shawn asked.

"You've got to be kidding! Enemy attack?!" Matilda asked over Comms.

"We just got this report from the battle cruisers." Hyuga reported in. Shawn looked to the others and nodded, Linx and Shinobu running off with Braedey to the hangars.

"Huge submerged object detected off the peninsula. Sending data. The data has been collated and examined." Ritsuko added.

"Wavelength pattern unknown. Cannot confirm to be a Demon or hostile forces." Maya informed.

"All personnel, go to first stage alert." Morato announced.

"We're going to have to intercept the target at the water's edge, right before it makes landfall!" Matilda announced as she made her way to the control room. "Jaegers Prime, Champion Knight, and Crimson Dynamo will lead the attack. Eva, Gipsy, Striker, JetBlackStar, and Nitro Zeus will be on standby."

Nearby and watching on, Nash R. Foster was watching the operation happening before him. He eyed as the Jaegers launched up the platforms to the surface. His eye watched the monitors in curiosity, wondering what the pilots have in mind, especially Jaeger Prime's pilot.

Soon enough, Jaegers Prime, Crimson Dynamo, and Champion Knight were standing by. All three of them have weapons deployed and ready for combat. Prime has one of its swords deployed, Dynamo with its spear deployed and ready, Knight armed with a large-calibre gun.

"Okay. Once we catch sight of the beast, we take it out and bring it back to the base for study." Braedey said to the others.

"What for?" Shinobu asked.

"So the lab boys know what the heck it and the other beast we fought during Operation Long Island are, and find out where they came from." Linx replied back, gripping the holographic staff in his hands. "As long as that thing's put down before it gets the chance to attack, I'm happy, and honoured to fight alongside you, Braedey, a newly reformed man."

Braedey showed a smile, looking back to Crimson Dynamo. "Thanks, partner."

"This is ridiculous and stupid." Asuka's voice whined over the Comms, the others all rolling their eyes in annoyance. "Why do I have to be on backup? Why can't I be on the frontline?"

"Asuka, don't argue." Shawn snapped back firmly. "We don't have time for your complaints. Get that fact straight."

"But why can't I be out fighting on the frontline instead of being backup?" Asuka whined.

"Enough, all of you." Braedey snapped back firmly, shutting everyone up as his HUD was showing the enemy approaching. "Target is a few minutes out."

The Jaegers tense up. They could see a shape fast approaching the city, the glass shattering from some buildings from sudden blasts of wind blowing through the city streets. The rumbling of something coming made them all look to see what was coming in fast, now landing on one of the bindings as it then collapsed to the ground, revealing what this thing was.

It looked to be a winged beast, standing 100ft tall with a 150ft wingspan. It has a tannish colour skin tone. It has some kind of fabric around it's legs. It has a defined chest and abs, as well as feet and hands with talons and claws. The wings look to be bat-like and with tattered ends. It looks like the brain of the beast is exposed, the face hidden behind a metal mask that conceals its teeth and mouth.

"Man, ain't that thing a freak of nature." Linx said to the others.

"I've got it." Shinobu said, holstering the rifle and aimed it at the beast. But before she can fire, the beast suddenly shot up into the air at high speed. "Whoa! That's fast." She noted.

"Yeah. It's a lot faster than originally thought." Linx commented, only for the winged beast to suddenly strike him from the side, sending him flying down a few hundred metres down a street. "Damn! Blindsided..."

Champion Knight armed the rifle and opened fire at the winged beast, trying to take it down but only a number of blasts strike the creature before it flies off. Shinobu fumed in frustration, and she began to open fire at the airborne enemy, trying to bring it down.

"Dammit, I can't get a good shot at this oversized thing!" Shinobu fumed angrily. "This beast is way too fast! Whoever created this must've updated it!"

"Nothing can be faster than my human eye." Braedey now started to sprint forward, Jaeger Prime doing the same.

The winged beast now swoops down towards the red/blue Jaeger, only for Jaeger Prime to leap up on some buildings, jumping overhead of the beast. Then, the Jaeger deployed its blasters and opened fire, making the creature screech and groan. Prime now deployed the Chain Sword, slicing through one of the wings and sending the beast falling to the ground with a thud, now leaving a huge crater in the shape of the creature.

"Okay, Champion and Dynamo. Do what you can to immobilise that thing, but preserve it at best." Braedey advised to them.

Crimson Dynamo and Champion Knight charge in, the latter shoving the barrel of her rifle into the back of the monster's head, and fired some rounds and killing the beast, while Crimson Dynamo sliced apart the arms and legs.

"Prime to Matilda. We've taken care of the beast." Braedey informed back to base, just as both mechs now pick up the remains to take them away. "They're on their way to the base now."

"Understood. All Jaegers, report back to the base." Matilda advised.

As the operation was winding down and everyone soon began to prep on repairs for the mechs and check on the pilots, Nash Foster had been watching the entire operation going on, curious and impressed. He looked over with his one eye to where James was, noticing the barely-noticeable livid expression on the Commander's face. It seems that he's not too pleased of something.

"Best we head down to the hangars." Matilda said to Ritsuko, the two of them making their way towards the hangars to go and see the pilots and evaluate their mental behaviour.

Nash watched them go, as James made his way to his office with Morato walking on alongside him. Nash now began to walk away down the halls.


Down at the training hall, Braedey was now throwing punches and kicks at a punching bag. He struck left and right without so much as slowing down. If anyone would come across to see what's going on, they'd be surprised to see how hard Braedey was training, which seems like something they wouldn't expect him to do months ago.

"You doing good?" Kieron asked, now walking up to Braedey.

"Doing better than before." Braedey shrugged, throwing a few more punches. "However, I'm not too sure about what the Commander will think about our new style of fighting."

"He won't be a problem to us." Kieron said, Braedey now swinging his leg around and kicking the punching bag, snapping the chains in the process. "Damn. That is some strength."

Matilda soon walked up with Nash. "Braedey, Kieron. I believe you have met Nash Foster." She introduced.

"Yes, we've met. A few days ago." Braedey replied. "But why is he here? Just asking."

"Doing an evaluation to see what could be updated or streamlined for operations." Nash informed to them. "So far, there are some things I can rectify."

"But why are you here, specifically?" Kieron now asked.

"To possibly replace James as Commander of SHIELD." Nash clarified, much to the boy's surprise. "Yeah. You are right to be surprised. After hearing what happened to you pilots, I'm here to try and rectify what's gone wrong."

"So, anything new about the beast we've caught?" Braedey asked to Matilda.

"We've learnt it's not organic despite its appearance, but so far, there isn't much that we've found so far." Matilda informed to them. "The beast seems to have some kind of muscle strand that has cables and wires inside of it, almost like it's synthetic. The brain also looks to be human-like but with circuits and wires."

"So, it's not organic but synthetic or something?" Kieron asked in bewilderment. "And all that can be said for Black Abomination that we fought during Operation Long Island?"

"That is true. However, they show no external link with the Demons." Matilda added in. "But it can't be certain that Death Wish had sent those creatures."

"For what reason?" Kieron asked to him.

"Possibly to try and test our reaction time, and to test our resolve." Nash spoke up. "For now, we'd best be on our toes in case of another attack, whether it be from HYDRA, MECH, or Death Wish."

"I am in command. So I will say what goes." James' voice spoke, everyone turning to see him standing nearby with his hands behind his back. He eyed Nash. "You will not be overruling my authority, and not take my position."

"Unless you keel over in 24 hours." Nash joked, James narrowing his eyes at him. The two of them seemed to have a staredown with one another, until James turned his head to look at Braedey.

"Your actions on the battlefield are getting out of line." James said firmly to Braedey. "These actions of yours are getting erratic and not following SHIELD protocol. You will follow what orders are given to you, and you will do exactly as I say." He ordered.

Braedey stood firm, not backing down or having any fear inside of him. "I will do whatever I see works for the mission. You words mean nothing to me." He said back. "And I'm not your slave."

The two of them stared at one another for a few long minutes, their eyes narrowed and sharpened. The others looked at each other with concern about what might happen. Eventually, James turned on his heel, hands behind his back, and he walked away.

Kieron takes a sharp intake of breath. "Man, talk about some tension." He then saw Shawn, Linx, and Nick, the three of them now with some groceries in hand. "Where have you three been?" Kieron asked.

"Well, the girls said that Matilda's place was low on food, and instead of her just having beer or anything else, we had to get some more food." Shawn replied to him.

"Anyway, what happened with the Commander being here?" Nick asked. "He looked madder than a bat out of hell."

"He wasn't too pleased about you pilots and Braedey with your own rules and operations against his own orders." Matilda informed to them. "And he's not too pleased about Braedey's performance out in the field."

"If its the only way to survive, then we have to break protocol every now and then." Linx stated back. "It's the only chance."

"That maybe, but he doesn't see it that way." Matilda sighed to herself. "He prefers that things go his way, and not have anyone undermine his operations or his own authority."

"If he prefers operations to go the way he decides they should go, things will go belly-up within a week, and we would be on the chopping block against the Demons." Nick stated. "And I've seen things to badly wrong in more ways than one back home."

"That's understandable." Shawn shrugged, just as Braedey walked away. "Hey, where you going?" He called.

"I need to get some air." Braedey sighed, now making his way. "I'm getting tired of being inside the base for a while."

"He's kinda right. The place does feel a little hot at times." Linx shrugged. "Anyway, anything else you want to add?" He asked to nobody in particular.

"Right now, you just be ready for anything that might happen." Matilda advised to him, now walking out of the room to go and do something alongside Ritsuko.


As night fell across the landscape, the lights of Manhattan shone across the city. Many people were now enjoying the quiet and pleasant atmosphere that was all around them, taking the opportunity to either go to Broadway to see a show or movie, head over to Central Park to enjoy the peace, or to any of the nice restaurants in the city. Amongst those in the city, there was Braedey with Shawn, Linx, Nick, Asuka, Amy, Hawk, Kieron, Shinobu and Sheeva, all of them out on the town.

Braedey had decided he and the others should have some time around New York City at night. He knew that it be difficult if he told anyone about this, so he opted for them all to sneak out of the base and enjoy themselves as being regular human beings. Amy was uncertain about what they're meant to do, but she followed on after them. However, they were all caught by SHIELD officials before they could do anything, and they were sent back to base.

"You're all meant to be pilots, not a bunch of teens going out on town." Matilda scolded them all, her voice sharp like knives. "We cannot allow this kind of reckless behaviour from any one of you."

"Madame, these kids just want to enjoy life." Sheeva said to them. "They haven't had the chance to-"

"They'll get the chance when this whole war is over, whenever that happens." Matilda stated back firmly. She eyed Braedey. "I know that this was your doing."

"So what, you blonde pain-in-the-ass?!" Braedey suddenly snapped angrily, everyone taken aback by this and stepped a few feet away from him. "Just because we are Jaeger pilots, it doesn't mean we can't also be regular humans. You and the others get the chance to leave the base and have some time to enjoy. All the freedom we get is to go to school or home, then we're dragged back here if a Demon attack happens, nothing more or less!"

"You are to be Jaeger pilots, nothing more and nothing less." James' voice spoke out, now walking up. He stood before them with a stern expression on his face. "You all shall do what you are ordered to, and that's it. Remember your position, and that's final." He turned to Braedey. "As for you, just know that this is going on record of insubordination."

"Like you ever cared." Braedey spat in his face.

James kept his stern face. "You are the pilot of Jaeger Unit 0-1, and that's all you ever will be." He said with no emotion in his voice. "Regardless of what you believe, you will do as you are told."

"You are not my father." Braedey spat back.

"I am your Commander, and you will do as you are told." James spoke back firmly. He now had a remote in hand, Matilda's eyes widening, and he pushed the red button. At once, Braedey felt an excruciating shock race through his body, making him yell out in pain and he fell to his knees.

"Holy Mary mother of Joseph." Nick spoke out.

"Commander, what are you doing?!" Matilda demanded. "That was a last resort in case-"

"This IS the final resort." James stated firmly, Matilda stepping back in fear. He now looked down at Braedey's convulsing and electrocuted form. "Now, I suggest you remember your place. You are the key to my machine, nothing more and nothing less." He said firmly, now pushing the button again and making Braedey yell in pain.

"Enough!" Nash punched James across the face, making him drop the device. Nash now pulled out a custom-issue SIG Sauer P226 pistol, aiming it right at James. "This is not how you treat fellow members of SHIELD. This is some kind of democracy or hierarchy." He stated with anger.

Shawn and Linx helped Braedey up to his feet, the latter still feeling a little shaken up. Shawn glared at James. "How can a man like you do to Braedey?!" He snapped angrily. He turned to Linx. "You might want to get some medical treatment for Braedey." He advised.

"I've got it." Shinobu spoke up, now heading off. "Asuka, Amy. With me. Hawk. Stay with them." The two other girls run off to go get medical supplies.

Nick now assisted the boys. "Let's go before things get heated up." He advised, the three of them now heading out of the room.

As they left, they could hear some arguing coming from the room they were just inside of, but they ignored all that. They took Braedey towards the carparks at the base, finding Matilda's Dodge Charger, and they help him into the car.

"So, who's gonna drive?" Linx asked.

"I will." Nick spoke up. "I mean, how hard can it be?" Shawn and Linx look to one another with uncertainty, but conceded and reluctantly nodded. "Hey, if I can handle piloting a Jaeger, I can easily drive a car." He got into the driver's seat, now hotwiring the car, and got it started up. "Okay, here we go."

"Right. Let's go." Shawn nodded, he and Linx getting into the car with them.

Matilda was about to enter the carpark, now seeing the boys in her car. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"Just taking Braedey home before James goes for him again." Nick replied. "Come on, you're not using your car right now. I'll give it back when you're done." He shrugged.

"What?!" Matilda screeched.

Nick tried to get the car into gear, but the gearbox grinds as he struggles to find a gear, Shawn and Linx yelling at him to use the clutch. He gets one, only for the car to shoot forward. He then got the car in reverse and the Charger nearly crashed into a van.

"Hey! Be careful with that thing!" Matilda called.

"Sorry. Had the stupid gearbox in reverse." Nick called, then he drover out of the carpark at once at speed, screeching tyres in its wake.

Matilda mentally sighed in exasperation. She was a little concerned about her car, but mostly about what James had done to Braedey. A little while ago, when Braedey was unconscious after returning from being assimilated by Jaeger Prime, James had put on some kind of electro-inhibitor on Braedey, in case the latter tried to disobey him again. It was diabolical and utterly disgusting to think he did this.

'What a horrid man.' Matilda thought to herself. She got her phone out to call Kaji for a ride. 'There may be something he might know about what's going on.'

At Matilda's house, Braedey had been put down on the couch to recover from the sudden shock he got earlier. Nick and Shawn have put some soothing cream on Braedey's body, after Shinobu and Hawk had arrived with the medical supplies, and they helped wherever they can.

"Any luck in trying to find the shock device?" Hawk asked in concern.

"No. Wherever it might be, we can't seem to find it on any part of him." Shawn reported in. "He must've put it inside of Braedey-"

"I can hear you. I'm not asleep." Braedey groaned. He sat up on the couch, the others looking hesitantly to him. "I now know it's wrong to trust that man."

"I don't think I can follow any orders from James." Shawn spoke up. "From now on, we do this among us, not from his words."

"I think it's time to close the chapter on James being Commander of SHIELD for good." Kieron added in, now looking downright serious. "We cannot continue under his reign of command. There needs to be a change in management."

"I agree." Amy spoke out, much to everyone's surprise. "James has hurt Braedey for too long and too much."

"Whoa, what's with her?" Asuka asked the others.

"Don't know. Guess she's lost hope in James." Linx shrugged.

Sure enough, Matilda had arrived home, the others having cleaned up the place for her to make it look like a regular home and such, and the girls even offered to make dinner for everyone, just to make up for what had happened. They even brought in Douglas and Ethan, who were surprised to see Braedey back but he told them that he had a different perspective of things, and he realised he had a job to do. However, Amy seems to have disappeared.

"By the way, why is the class rep here?" Douglas asked, looking at Natalie.

"Because I invited her." Asuka spoke back. "Right?"

"Amy too?" Matilda asked.

"Yes, I invited her, but that girl is one strange one." Asuka sighed. "Darn, why is Mister Kaji so late?"

"Oh, is Mister Kaji that really cool guy?" Natalie asked.

"Oh, yeah!" Asuka nodded. "He's so much better than these dweebs that it's like night and day. It's an insult to compare him to them."

"What did you say?!" Douglas snapped. "How dare you!"

"Oh, boy. Here we go." Shawn sighed, he and Nick going to break up the fighting.

Matilda looked to Braedey, who was sitting to her side, looking away. "Is it difficult for you to be here in this kind of situation?" She asked, getting his attention.

"I'm okay." Braedey replied softly. "I guess I'm just not used to being with so many people all at once. Why do they have to make so much noise?" He asked, hearing them all argue.

Matilda then noticed the look in Braedey's eyes. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened to you earlier. Had I known earlier..."

"He did this to me, didn't he?" Braedey asked, his voice going from soft to a darkening tone. "Just to control me like a puppet?" He gripped the glass in his hand, then he gripped it more, the glass cup now shattering in his hand, everyone going silent and looking to Braedey with worried eyes. Blood dripped from the cuts on his hand, but he didn't care right now. "He raised me, next abused me, abandoned me, then dragged me here to be his 'tool' for his toys. And even now, he still treats me as nothing but a tool." He sighed, slowly getting to his feet, Linx and Shinobu helping him up. "I'm fine. The shock isn't there, just the pain." He said to them as he was back standing. "I'm heading off to bed."

"Why?" Asuka asked. "Don't wanna spend time-" She was cut off when Braedey gave a glare so bad, one would think his eyes would turn red.

"You shut up right now, or I'm tearing out your vocal chords." Braedey snarled, then he headed upstairs to go clean up and go to bed.

"Asuka, next time you talk to him, you should think before you open your mouth." Shawn advised, just as the doorbell now rang.

"That's got to be Mr. Kaji!" Asuka smiled, only to frown when she and Matilda saw Kaji with Ritsuko.

"I came here directly from HQ." Kaji smiled. "We just happened to meet on the way."

"That's rather suspicious." Asuka and Matilda spoke in unison with raised eyebrows.

"Is that jealousy I hear?" Ritsuko joked.

"Absolutely not." Matilda scoffed.

"Anyway, we've heard about what happened with the Commander and the pilots." Kaji then got to the point, everyone looking to him. "Word is it's possible that James might be removed from his position."

"'Might' may not be enough for Braedey." Kieron countered back.

"He's right. Braedey is about as angry as a mad bull or worse." Nick added.

"We don't trust James, not now or ever." Linx agreed.

"I understand your feelings, everyone. But until anything else happens, we can't do much right now." Ritsuko spoke up. "It's the decision of the Council."

"Screw that." Hawk scoffed aloud. She got one of her pistols out, loading it with H.E rounds, and cocked the gun ready. "I'd rather take a couple of shots at him."

"Hawk, put down the gun." Kieron puts his hand on the revolver in Hawk's hand down, making her put it back into its holster. "We're all angry, I know. But we need to stay tough and show no weakness to that man. We also have to be strong for Braedey. He might now be changing, but he's still human like us. We all have fear inside us, some of us more than others."

"Kieron's right." Shawn nodded. "We need to be a united team."

"All of us have to be ready for anything." Linx agreed.

Later, as everyone had gone to sleep or to their homes, Matilda talked to Kaji regarding recent events, and with anything that involves with James and conflicts among those in higher-ranks. Kaji explained about things he's found out behind the scenes, Matilda's eyes widening in shock. This was something Braedey should know at once.

But that'll have to wait until tomorrow.


The next morning up in the SHIELD control room, everyone picked up on an approaching Demon on their scanners, as it was closing in on New York. At once, everyone began to go through the process of retracting Manhattan-2.0 into the ground, as well as get people evacuated in and out of the New York area, tying to get them to safety and out of danger. They also got word that the beast has taken out some installation over on Rhode Island, but they haven't gotten word as to who was caught in the crossfire.

"Unidentified moving object confirmed passing Rhode Island." One person spoke out. "It's speeding forward at 30 knots. ETA to Manhattan in about 10 minutes."

"Condition one battle stations. All personnel to condition one battle stations!" Morato announced at once.

At Jaeger Prime's launch bay, now wearing the armour, Braedey walked into the Conn-Pod with technicians, as he got hooked up into the harness. He stepped over to the platform for his feet, which locked him into place. Then, two technicians hook him into the rig to hold him in place. After that, the technicians stepped out of the Conn-Pod. Once doing so, the hatch was sealed, and the gantry slowly moved away. At the same time, Shawn, Nick, as well as the girls walked into the Conn-Pods of their Jaegers, as they all got hooked up into the harness. They stepped to the platform for their feet, locking them into place. Then, the rigging hooked itself up. After that, the hatch was sealed tight, and the gantry slowly moved away. They now stepped into the Conn-Pod of their mechs, walking up to the platform for their feet, and they locked them in place. Then, they got hooked into the rig to hold them in place in the middle of the mech's head. After that, the hatch sealed up tight, and the gantry slowly moved away.

"Initiating level one connection." Technicians continued with activation protocol, as well as getting the Jaegers ready for action. "Flooding Conn-Pods now."

After that, the amber-yellow fluid started to fill the Conn-Pods. Braedey didn't react to this, as the fluid engulfed him. Shawn and the girls kept their cool, as the fluid engulfed them, Nick smirking to himself. Next, the LCL fluid became electrolysed, allowing the pilots to finally see again. Then, bright lights appeared on the walls, creating the interface. After that, the lights all faded, and ahead of them lit up like a computer screen, revealing the hangar outside.

"LCL oxygenated." The technicians continued on with their work, with Jaegers Prime, Eva, Nitro Zeus, JetBlackStar, Champion Knight, and Giant being ready to move to the launch bay. "Releasing airlock. Neural Handshake activated and online. All systems online."

"Here we go." Linx said.

"I'm ready." Asuka smirked to herself, ready for action.

"Braedey, be ready for anything." Shawn then advised.

"Understood." Braedey acknowledged.

"Best watch his back." Shinobu added.

"Acknowledged." Amy replied.

Immediately, the crawler platforms that Jaegers Prime, Eva, Nitro Zeus, JetBlackStar, Champion Knight, and Giant stood on started to move slowly backwards, carrying the three Titans along a set of tracks upwards, slowly approaching the launch platform, the launch platforms locking onto the tracks leading up. A second later, the series of doors opened up above, which lead straight up towards the surface.

"Surface-to-surface battle, stand by!" Matilda declared. "Jaegers, prepare to launch!"

At once, the Jaegers were launched straight up through the launch tunnel on magnetic rails, heading up to the surface. Braedey mentally groaned to himself with this high-speed elevator thing, but Shawn and Nick was smiling as they raced upward, Linx smirking to himself. As the Jaegers were now reaching the surface, sections of the road in part of the city opened up, as the three mechs rose up to the surface, standing tall and mighty. At once, the final safety locks and cables detached from the back of the Jaegers, their optics glowing. Jaeger Prime slowly stepped forward, with Jaegers JetBlackStar and Nitro Zeus following on after the red/blue Titan, the three of them walking through the now-abandoned streets of Manhattan, with Eva, Champion Knight, and Giant alongside them.

"We are moving." Shinobu informed over Comms, her walking alongside Eva and Giant. "JetBlackStar, Nitro, keep to Prime's side."

"Acknowledged." Shawn replied.

Braedey looked left and right, the scanners of the Jaeger trying to locate where this Demon might be located. He looked to the 3D radar around him to see where the other mechs are, as they were approaching Central Park. They all stopped nearby, acknowledging their positions just as they saw the Demon before them.

The Demon looked to be standing 200ft tall, with a black, boney white and red body. There seems to be five heard with sets of three red spines on the back of all five heads and down all five necks. The body is slim yet muscular, while it has a thick yet strong tail. The feet have long four-finger claws, and teeth sharper than steel.

"There's our target." Braedey announced.

"Talk about big and ugly." Linx commented.

"Those five heads are really freaky." Asuka added. "They're apmost like snakes."

"That, maybe. But it's still a Demon." Shawn pointed out. "We take a stand, here and now. What's the plan?" He looked over to Jaeger Prime for whatever plan there is.

"Okay. Eva and Champion Knight, you're on long-range combat." Braedey reported in. "The two of you, flank on the sides of the Demon. Nitro Zeus, take aim and fire down from above."

"Right. Aerial superiority." Nick nodded, clenching his fists.

"JetBlackStar, you and Giant go from behind, and open fire." Braedey ordered next. "All Jaegers, distract the Demon on all fronts to try and deter its attention, then we'll converge and strike."

"Let's do it." Shinobu announced.

"Belay that order." James' voice snapped over the Comms, the pilots all sighing in exasperation. This was the last thing they wanted. "All Jaegers are to go for a frontal assault with Prime-"

"Just go!" Braedey yelled out. "NOW!"

Champion Knight and Eva now step forth to flanking positions, opening fire at the Demon, just as Nitro Zeus took to the air, blasting down from above with his cannons, JetBlackStar and Giant going behind the Demon, all five heads snarling and screeching at them.

Braedey was about to charge in to fight, but before he could, a sudden shock of electricity shot through his body, making him yell out in pain, and he fell to his knees, Jaeger Prime doing the same. The shocking electrical shock continued to shoot through his body, Braedey unable to move his body at all.

"Prime, what's wrong?" Shawn called on Comms, but he couldn't get through to them. "Braedey, do you hear me? Braedey!"

At the base, James had the controller in his hand, now sending electrical shocks through Braedey's body, preventing him from even moving. He kept his eyes on the monitors before him, a stern expression on his face.

"Synchronous rate in Jaeger Prime is dropping fast!" Maya informed to Matilda, Ritsuko looking in concern. "Dropping from 92%. No, it's down to 76%. Braedey's synchronous rate is collapsing as we speak!"

"Dammit! Try to increase synch rate to 82%!" Ritsuko then said to Hyuga.

"Belay that." James ordered at once, the others looking at him with wide eyes and concern.

"But, James, he's going to die if we don't do anything!" Maya spoke up in concern. But she realised that the look in his eyes showed that he didn't even care.

James looked to the monitors. "Braedey, you will do as you are told, and not do anything else." He said on Comms to Braedey. "Is that understood?"

"Screw... you!" Braedey snapped back, James pushing the button again, and Braedey's yells echoed out. "Stop! Stop it!"

Ritsuko turned to James. "How can you do this to him?" She demanded at him. "If you keep this up, he won't be able to pilot the Jaeger, and he'll be pinned down!" She yelled at him.

"He must learn his place and know who is in charge. I am in charge, not him." James spoke back coldly, no emotion laced in his words. He then saw Matilda pull out her sidearm pistol and aim at him. "Are you going to shoot me?"

"I will if I must. Now, let go of that remote." Matilda ordered at James, her eyes narrowed. "Now."

"Stop! Stop this, please!" Braedey's voice pleaded over the Comms, Jaeger Prime still in its hands and knees position with the other Jaegers trying their best to keep the Demon at bay. "It hurts! My body burns!"

"Braedey's synchronous rate is decreasing down to 56%!" Maya called out in worry. "No, it's down to 49%! Wait, it's now going to 34%!"

"James, stop this at once!" Ritsuko ordered at once, glaring at the Commander. "He'll be killed if the Demon gets past the others!"

"He will learn what the consequences are if he is to disobeyed orders." James spoke back coldly, Matilda and Ritsuko all glaring darkly at him. "That is how we do operations here."

Suddenly, a gunshot echoed out, the remote in James' hand being destroyed by a bullet, much to everyone's surprise, as Nash walked in with a smoking gun in hand, alongside some armed soldiers.

"That will be enough." Nash said, the soldiers running up and cuffing James, putting him into custody. "Take him down to the prison level until further notice." He now looked to the monitors, but he focused on Prime. "Now, you ladies get Prime back on its feet and out of the fight." He asked.

"Braedey's synchronous rate has gone down to just about 24%. It's just above the allowable rate to pilot the mech." Maya informed to everyone. "Braedey, do you copy?" She called.

"I... I copy. I can hear you." Braedey groaned. He slowly got up to his feet inside the Conn-Pod, Jaeger Prime doing the same.

"Dude, what happened?" Nick called, still firing down at the Demon, the other Jaegers doing the same. "It sounded like you were in the electric chair."

"Braedey, you have to retreat." Matilda spoke up. "Your synchronous rate has dropped to around 24%, just enough to get the Jaeger moving. You need to pull back and let the others take care of this Demon."

Braedey, however, he narrowed his eyes at the Demon before him, now pushing some buttons on the console and moving the above-head toggle switches. He was increasing the power in the hydraulics and pneumatics within the 'muscles' of the mech.

"Sorry, Matilda. But that is one order I cannot follow." Braedey grunted, the HUD in the Conn-Pod now locking onto the Demon.

"Braedey, you have to fall back!" Matilda called.

"I can't. I have a job to do." Braedey now deployed a blaster and sword. "This is our mission: protect all of humanity with the Jaegers, and find a way to close Hell's Gate once and for all."

At once, Jaeger Prime charged forward on all cylinders, the ground shaking as he left imprints into the ground. The Demon, while being distracted, doesn't see Prime now charging at it. The other Jaegers charge in at the same time, still firing their weapons. Prime stabbed the sword into where the chest section should be, with Eva, Champion, JetBlackStar, Nitro, and Giant closing in as well, then they open fire at once, blowing apart all five heads and the body apart.

Back at base, everyone was relieved and now calming down when the Demon was finally destroyed. Matilda sighed to herself when she knew Braedey wasn't going to stop, but she was relieved that he was able to take out the creature. Ritsuko looked to Maya, and she gave a nod to her.

"All Jaegers, report back to base." Matilda called in, now seeing the mechs beginning to walk back to the base.

"Doctor, you'd best get that kid to the medics." Nash said to Ritsuko. "I want that electric inhibitor out of him now."


Later, Braedey was now down in the medical wing of the base, doctors looking over him to try and remove the electrical inhibitor that's been installed inside him. The others were concerned as to whether it'll be taken out of him. Braedey had been put to sleep to have the operation commence.

"How bad is it?" Ritsuko asked one doctor, the former leading the operation to remove it.

"Seems like the inhibitor was put at the base of his neck on his spine." The doctor informed to her, showing the X-Ray he has in hand. Ritsuko could see what was there. "There's a 86% chance we can get it out of his spine. But, there is a 92% chance we'd get it wrong and we might accidentally immobilise him."

"Very well. We should be very careful." Ritsuko nodded to him. She now got some medical tools, ready to do the operation on the base of Braedey's neck.

Back with the others, they wanted to stay and wait for the results, but Matilda said that they should head for home. As they do so, they met up with Nash, who soon explained about what had happened earlier, much to their anger and frustration over what James had done to Braedey.

The pilots soon head over to Matilda's home to discuss about what's going on, as well as hoping for Braedey to be back on his feet, but they knew Nash will take over command of SHIELD, and to make it better than before. For James, that's soon to be told.

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