SNL 2020

By ginaddict

86.6K 6.3K 402

It's a new actually, it's a new decade and this love relationship is adding another year in it's ma... More

Fuck This Shit
What?! Pt1
What?! Pt2
Confrontation Pt1
Confrontation Pt2
Limbo Pt1
Limbo Pt2
Open Communication Pt1
Open Communication Pt2
Take Two Pt1
Take Two Pt2
Take Two Pt3
Take Two Pt4
Take Two Pt5
Ring Talk Pt1
Ring Talk Pt2
Ring Talk Pt3
Gloomy January
Sad Disappointment
Post Valentines
Killer Sex Appeal
A Job Well Done
Surprise Dinner pt1
Surprise Dinner pt2
Ranting Squirrel
No April's Fool pt1
No April's Fool pt2
No April's Fool pt 3
No April's Fool pt4
The Biggest Jerk pt1
The Biggest Jerk pt2
The Men With Plans
Losing Battle pt1
Losing Battle pt2
Losing Battle pt3
Two Heads
Mr.Wild Side
Short Shorts
Engagement Gift
Current Favorite
A Morning Discussion
Episode Pt1
Episode Pt2
Episode Pt3
Devil's Advocate pt1
Devil's Advocate pt2
JiJi's Night
Giving In pt1
Giving In pt2
Giving In pt3
Mrs.Lim pt1
Mrs.Lim pt2
Mrs.Lim pt3
Museleom Again
Hard Bite
Ring Robber
Roles pt1
Roles pt2
Prenup List pt1
Prenup List pt2
Future Stepdaddy
Missed Dinner pt1
Missed Dinner pt2
Missed Dinner pt3
Phone Day
Hang Out pt1
Hang Out pt2
King Stan
Melons and Brats pt1
Melons and Brats pt2
Spring Cleaning in the Summer
Notes and Letters pt1
Notes and Letters pt2
Notes and Letters pt3
Cuddling with the Rain
JR in the Museleom
French Guy
Sexy Fantasy
A Good Daughter In Law pt1
A Good Daughter in Law pt2
Stumble and Fall
Ranting Time
Human Vs. Pooch
Just Live
Back in His Arms
United Front
More Ramblings
Pantry or Dick
Love Potion
Defensive pt1
Defensive pt2
Weird Games
RoadTrip pt1
Roadtrip pt2
Future Karma
Justice Warrior
Screen Fatigue
Housekeeper, Jacuzzi and Flu Shots
Curb Your Enthusiasm pt1
Curb Your Enthusiasm pt2
Get Together
Over Caffeinated
A Business Broker pt1
A Business Broker pt2
What A Mess
Sibling Spat
Beloved pt1
Beloved pt2
Beloved pt3
Socializing pt1
Socializing pt3
Socializing pt3
Made Bed
The Door pt1
The Door pt2
The Door pt3
Xiao Long Bao
Ski Trip Again?! pt1
Ski Trip Again?! pt2
Ski Trip Again?! pt3
Ski Trip Again?! pt4
Ski Trip Again?! pt5
Just A Tad Wet
Baby Dream
Pancake Weekend
Different Planes
Spooky QingYu pt1
Spooky QingYu pt2
Feeling Good
Decor Pickup
Auntie Ollie
Christmas Socks
The Missing Wallet pt1
The Missing Wallet pt2
Special Photos
Good Company
Wedding Tradition
Curious Squirrel
Hater pt1
Hater pt2
Lucky Qing
Bent pt1
Bent pt2
Bent pt3
That Night pt1
That Night pt2
Concern pt1
Concern pt2
StowAway Squirrel
The Sitdown
Dried Persimmons
Temporary Place pt2
Goodbye 2020

Temporary Place pt1

378 25 0
By ginaddict

I'm excited to say that I think I found the wedding rings Qing commissioned for us. I think...


(What now?! What's happening?)

What's happening is that Qing and I have evacuated from the condo so the bathroom renovation could start. Finally, says the bathroom, I will have a door again. I mean, if I am our bathroom, I already sued us for such neglect.

Anyways, so Qing and I packed our junks (albeit yes, stylish and expensive junks) and locked our rooms. I wrapped our engagement photos in Manila papers and bubble wrap and hauled it to the mansion, because I love them and I don't want people snooping in our condo and finding our engagement photos that Lee made for us. In the museleom, they will be safe. The staffs there doesn't care much about framed photos because there are about a hundred framed photos in there and the staffs are just immuned to them already.

Anyhow, Mama and Baba are also traveling outside of Beijing for some healing retreat, just the two of them. Like Mama said, this is the only time of the year that she will get Baba all to herself. Their private nurse and Baba's EA and her husband will join that trip but those people are Qing's parents' trusted people so, there is that.

JiJi and Gege will stay in the Capital, also Uncle and Auntie. Zhu Gege and Pau will also do some short travels like us but I think their scheduled trips will never coincide with us. Qing and I will be living in a property Qing own, an apartment complex smacked right in the middle of the city. In a quiet neighborhood of artistic cafes, little bookstores and twenty four hour convenience stores, thats mostly populated by young professionals like us.

We will live here...or maybe its appropriate to say that our junks will live here because like I shared already, Qing and I will travel through the holidays. We have four specific places we will visit, one of them a vineyard that I am excited to see. No, Qing doesn't own that vineyard, thank God. We will visit the place and maybe pick some grapes.

We will also drop by in my hometown to visit my parents and friends. I am dropping my gifts to my godson, Meng's kid. LiPin and Jin will be there too, like us...they are trekking around for the holiday as well (but avoiding large crowds and being safe, like LiPin said). Then at the beginning of next year, Qing and I will be boarding a yacht for a two day quiet sailing in a marina.

How bourgeoisie are we? Very much so, apparently.

But Qing doesn't want me staying in a place that is not our familiar condo for a long period of time that is why he deemed it was important for us to travel around until the bathroom renovation is over and we can go back to our love nest. That way, I won't feel stressed cooped up in a strange surrounding while winter in the Capital makes everything just bitterly cold.

Qing: That way, we can avoid putting stress in your mind and prevent some panic attacks that could result from it.

Me: I won't have panic attacks.

Qing: (hugging me) Yes. You won't. Thats that whole point.

He always thinks about me...Wang Qing.

Thats why its puzzling for me when I saw a little square box in his things and when I opened it, I saw wedding rings in them.

Qing always think about me but he picked up such ugly looking wedding rings for us? What the hell? maybe I am being a little too harsh on the rings. So they are not the pretty glittering rings I envisioned he will choose for us but they are not that bad...that much. I mean, do they look like they were dug up from a medieval treasure chest, sure...I mean, everyone loves a copper colored ring...why not? Right?

(Dayu ah...uhm...)

Wrong! I don't want a copper colored ring! Fuck that! Give me gold or give me death, thats my motto. You all know me, I am part black crow. I love me some sparkly gold jewelries. I am shallow like that. Give me one million yuan worth of rusty copper or a hundred buck worth of shiny gold, I'll pick the shiny gold.

I like them winking and sparkly.

Thats how stupid my standard lets just all accept that part of me.

Anyways, I found a box with rings on it and they are ugly rings. The kind that was forged by a mediocre blacksmith in time of William the Conqueror. Its not a clean round shape. There are like corners in them. Its weird.

So I wasted about an hour of my life, something I can never gain back again, sitting on the bedroom floor in the apartment complex and tried making sense of the reason why Qing will pick such a weird, strange looking rings for us.

And my conclusion was...these are not my rings. Qing got these ugly rings for someone else. Qing is cheating on me with someone who has such ugly taste in jewelries that I just pity my fiancé. I mean, he already has me, a guy with neurotic behaviors and panic attacks to boot...and he did what? Picked someone on the side that has questionable taste in rings.

Oh, Wang Qing...what is wrong with you?

(What is wrong with YOU?! Baba is not cheating on you! By gods!)

Yes, you are all right. Qing is not cheating one me. Of course he is not. And if ever he'll cheat on me, I hope he'll pick someone who would not like rings like this. Ew!

Hmmm, maybe these are props to be used to his next project. But why will this be on Qing's hands then? Thats weirder to think about.

No, someone owns these ugly rings. And if Qing has them, he probably bought them. But why? I...

Me: (closing the box) I give up. I am not in the mood to think about this any longer. One hour of thinking is enough.

I swear, I sometimes have too much time in my hands, I waste some of them.

I decided to stop wasting them and make dinner. Qing promised he will come home with some pastry in hand so...I at least have to welcome him with some dinner. Don't worry, I didn't strain myself making dinner, I just pan grilled some hamburg steaks and smothered them with store brought gravy sauce. Then I pressed the buttons on the rice cooker and leave it to do its thing while stir frying some green beans. Voila...dinner.

When Qing came in, he brought in pastries and egg drop soups with zuccini and spring onions that he got from a good restaurant we tried before. I reheat the soup and served dinner. Qing and I are excited to start a new show in a streaming channel and dinner conversation centered on that.

Once dinner was done, I had sweet pastry for desert, Qing did the clean up while I get ready for bed. I am adjusting just fine in this new place but its not our condo so...I still feel confuse about where this and that thing are.

Plus the couch on this place is a lot smaller than our couch. Its a mini couch...whatever. But it'll do. Its not like I will demand Qing that we shopped for brand new furnitures on this place when we will just live here temporarily.

(Dayu, why didn't you just stay in the museleom when Baba's parents wont be there?)

Good question. Because then, Mama will be force to retain some skeletal staff on the mansion to serve us when she was determined to give everyone in the mansion a break from working this holiday. There are staffs staying in the mansion instead of doing a quick visit on their relatives, true, but they are in vacation. I won't ask them to serve Qing and I when they should be taking time to relax and serve themselves to be happy this holiday.

So Qing and I are staying in this apartment complex to serve ourselves instead of disturbing the mansion's staffs in their holiday vacation.

Anyways, going back to the mini sized couch...

Qing: (laughing) Stop whining about it, we can still make out in it. And besides, small fits you just fine. You are small...

Me: (instantly outraged) I am not small! Take that back!

Qing laughed some more as I lunge him to try and bring his ass down. Yes, we took wrestling with us when we left the condo.

(Oh boy...)

We struggled for a bit and I ended up on Qing's lap...pouting.

Me: I am not small.

Qing: Okay, not small. But you are so cute.

Me: And also cool. And also a badass.

Qing: (chuckling as he nods) That you are.

I sealed my lips to his. We kissed lazily. We are bound to get on a plane the next day so we are doing things lightly and just to relax. I'm so glad we are having this holiday vacation or I swear, the madness will kill me.

But then, just as Qing is about to slip his warm hand inside my shirt, I remember those rings.

Me: (pushing him away) I think I sinned today.

Qing: What? What sin?

Me: (wincing) I accidentally did something naughty.

Qing: (looking crestfallen) You masturbated without filming it? Without me?

(LOL Baba...)

Me: Thats your priority? Me masturbating without you?

Qing: (grimacing) You said something naughty.

Me: You...I...

What should I do with this man?

(Keep him)

Right. Of course I am keeping him. No one could handle Qing better than I do.

Me: Not that kind of naughty. I found our wedding rings and looked at them.

Qing: (frowning) You found our...that's impossible.

Me: Why is it impossible?

Qing: Because...our rings is on vault box I own in a bank.

Me: Huh?

Qing: You went to the bank and check on our wedding rings? Thats impossible, I'm the only one who has access on my bank account and that box.

Me: But, I found a box with rings inside in your things.

Qing: Ah! Those. Those are not ours.

Me: (hope in my heart) Truly? Oh thank goodness.

Qing: Thank goodness? Why are you suddenly looking relieved?

Me: Because they are ugly assed rings. Sorry, not sorry...

Qing: (mouth falling open) (then nodding) Fair point. They are ugly, right?

Me: Yes! And for an hour, I thought about breaking our engagement because I cannot believe you picked such ugly wedding rings for us. Goodness...

Qing: (snorting) I might be stupid at times but I hope I am not THAT stupid. Of course, I bought something shiny and luminous as our wedding rings.

Me: (suddenly excited) Truly?

Qing: (nodding) Yes. They are so shiny, I think it could light up a room. Theres wattage in them.

Me: Oh! Can I see them?

Qing: (not missing a bit) No.

Me: (excitement deflating) What? Why?

Qing: (shrugging) I already told you, you won't see them until our wedding day. Or maybe a month until our wedding day, so we will have an ample time to look for replacements if you don't find them to your liking.

Me: But...thats still too far away.

Qing: (shrugging again) You can see them now if you agree to marry me next month.

Me: (wanting to kick him) Are you crazy? Why will I marry you next month?

Qing: (smirking) So you can see those rings already?

Me: (struggling from his hold) I hate you! Let me go!

Qing laughed again as he tightened his arms around me. Both his hands slipped inside my shirt and touched my chest. He quickly found my right nipple and played at it.

I moaned and squirmed in his arms. I wriggled my butt and felt his growing erection. Qing licked the side of my neck.

Qing: Stop wriggling so much or I swear I will fuck you right here. I'll pull your shorts down and just have you.

Well...since I am also horny, I don't find that idea offensive at all. So I snorted while wriggling harder against his lap. Grinding my ass on his erection.

Qing chuckled and took the hint well.

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