A Collection of Kind

By suzyrana

17.7K 992 304

A book that basically a collection of purely fanfiction on pairing I feel like writing. Various plots and set... More

[MingWang] I know
[QingYu] Confession
[YuZhou] Date
[RuiWen] Hello
[FengWen] Morning
[RuiWen] Night
[MingKit] Blackout
[SingtoKrist] Bad lion
[SingtoKrist] Warm and Hot
[SingtoKrist] Sticky Note
[KongArthit] Our day
[SingtoKrist] Thoughts
Not an update but hope you read
[SingtoKrist] The pull
[SingtoKrist] HVD
[SingtoKrist] The Time-traveler (1/2)
[SingtoKrist] The Time-traveler (2/2)
[SingtoKrist] Night
[SingtoKrist] Hands
[SingtoKrist] Good day
[SingtoKrist] Miss you
[SingtoKrist] Us
[SingtoKrist] Photograph
[SingtoKrist] Sick
[SingtoKrist] Love
[TaeTee/SBFive] Noise
[MDZS] Lotus
[XNINE] Best bro
[Anyone] Longing
[XNINE] Body apart but heart together
[KimCop] Do I?
[MingKit] Meet you in my world
[KongArthit] Happy 62 day
[Bas] Meant well
[SingtoKrist] Crepe
[SingtoKrist] Instagram Story
[Patrick] Birthday wish
[WinnySatang] Im yours but are you mine?

[MingKit] Meet you in my world (Extra)

146 9 5
By suzyrana

Introduction: Pairing name -> KimCop [MingKit] [MarkKit] = Kimmon Varodom [Mingkwan Daichapanya] [Mark] (the one on the left) + Copter Panuwat [Kit Mongkol Intochar] [Kit Kamjornkit] (the one on the right). One of the side couple of 2moons the series [MingKit] and currently main couple of Gen Y the series [MarkKit], Thai BL


The dimpled young guy was on his PC when his room door was opened by someone. He didn't look back as he's playing his game. He didn't wear his headphone so he heard the sound. "Kit!" By the voice of a guy, Kit knew it's his best friend Ohm. "Kit! Kitty! Kitten!"

"Shush you tall oaf. Can't you see I'm on the domain battle? Hold on for a second." Kit didn't need to look back to know that Ohm is pouting to his scolding but obediently went silent and sat on Kit's bed. Kit knew by the sound of stomping heels and slight creak of his bed. They knew each other long enough to know each other mood just from the body language. "I will finish it in 3. Wait a bit." Kit said again and then focused back on his game. Ohm didn't say anything, practically made himself so comfortable on his friend's bed. Exactly in three minutes, Kit finished his battle and placed his character at the safe place so he could be idle without worry before turning to Ohm.

Ohm perked up when he saw Kit turned his game chair to him. "I have something to announce."

"Whoa. What? Why you're so excited?" Kit said chuckling. Ohm's expression at this moment amused him. Ohm grinned.

"Today, I finally got the microphone I have been dying to get. It arrived earlier and my mini-gaming station is all set now." Ohm grinned happily. Kit formed an O. He knew about this. Ohm had been saving so much for his gaming station at the corner of his room. Both of them were avid gamer since young but Kit only played it to release his stress while Ohm was a bit more involved in being a real gamer so he invested so much to even make a little corner he called gaming station in the bedroom.

After he got permission with his parents to do a gaming streamer as his side job, Ohm had been preparing for that. Ohm had been saving for his gaming passion ever since he knew the value of money and it's his deep interest so it's not a sudden start-up that he needed to do from scratch. He just wanted to get the best equipment for him to play multiple games and live-streaming in the best condition. Kit actually was wary with all his enthusiasm given that it's not that you will instantly get big money right after you start, but Ohm had told him he's going to do it for a long time and serious with it so Kit could just support. For now, Ohm's parents agreed for him to do it on weekend and he must not fall from his grade in college. Ohm intended to prove himself and wanted to show that he would be fine if he's becoming a full-fledged streamer in the future. Without the parents knowing, Ohm had been in some gaming competition too before – Kit had been helping to cover up.

"So, you're going to start your channel now?"

"Yeah, I am. But I'm still thinking of some cool name." Ohm sighed. He already all set up to start today but he's still stuck with the name idea for his channel. "I can't decide. Ming had a very cool name and I feel lame with my own idea." Kit just looked at Ohm when the name of his friend came up. Kit knew Ming not personally but had seen him before when he came to find Ohm at the college. From what Ohm told him, Ming is a friend he made through playing game at some minor competition that eventually grew close when they realized they're in the same college. They even had a little crew that always played games together because they're all in the same college.

And another thing is Ming was the whole reason that Ohm suddenly wanted to make his own channel. He's always going behind his parents' back to attend competitions. His parents knew Ohm likes to play video game so much that they never really restrict him from playing as long as their son didn't forget his study. But they never agreed when Ohm wanted to join competition and such because afraid it's going to be a distraction. Ohm even got threatened that his parents are going to sell his gaming stuff if he's being stubborn. Ohm listened for some time but he's not a type to back down easily. That's why Ohm had been going behind their back and luckily he didn't get caught, yet.

So when Kit heard that Ohm idolized Ming who is doing the gaming live-streaming and gathered so many followers plus getting some income and Ohm wanted to be like that, Kit was worried and first thing he did was talking to Ohm to discuss with his parents first. Ohm realized that he couldn't do this behind their back and it took him a month to convince his parents about that until they allowed him with some conditions of course. Kit was happy for Ohm when he knew it and supported his friend all the way even though he's a bit afraid to see the extreme excitement afraid that there will be huge disappointment later day. Kit hoped he's wrong.

"What do you think, Kit?" Ohm's voice startled him.


"Ao, you didn't listen to me?"


"Meanie. Don't go daydreaming about Ming... oh, your head goes there because I mention him earlier." Ohm smirked. Kit blinked.

"Huh what? No." Kit tried to deny but he knew his face turned red. Ohm chuckled. Both of them could never keep a secret from each other. Kit tried at first but failed eventually when Ohm caught Kit smiling while watching Ming's live-stream. Yeah, Kit was one of Ming's subscribers ever since Kit first saw Ming talking to Ohm. Since the day Ohm found out Kit watched Ming's live-stream alone, he pried and made Kit talk who eventually had to confess.


Kit was walking through the entrance to the faculty of Maths. He wasn't one of the students here, he's from another college but he often came here for his best friend so he knew his way around. The college was quite opened as their cafeteria sold good food and the workers of office building near the college often came to have lunch there so it's not a weird occurrence to see someone who isn't a student inside the college's ground.

Kit came today because Ohm's parents left some stuff with him to give to Ohm as the parents had emergency to settle with their company's branch and will be going to the countryside for few days. Kit decided it's better to find Ohm at the college instead of waiting Ohm came back. They lived next to each other thou.

Kit noticed Ohm as he predicted the guy just finished his class at this time. He was about to call Ohm when he saw his friend was talking to someone. A tall slender built, quite handsome guy. Kit blinked when he realized he's checking out that guy. 'Oh come on, don't be a pervert.' But then he saw the guy smiled and he couldn't help but feel weak in his knees and his stomach fluttered. 'What... his smile. Oh my god.'

The guy patted Ohm's shoulder and then left. Ohm waved him a goodbye before turning to Kit's direction to notice his friend was there. "Kit?" He's surprised.

Kit heard the call and smiled to Ohm. "Yo, man." He made his way to Ohm.

"I didn't know you're coming."

"I'm going to my class later and I stop by to give you this. From your parents." Kit passed a bag and Ohm took it. "And also they asked me to tell you they will be back in five days."

"Oh, they left?"

"Yeah, something happened with the branch I think."

"Um. Okay. To be honest you could just send me a text and left this one at my house." Ohm said. Kit grinned.

"I thought we could have lunch together?" Ohm chuckled.

"You have fallen in love with the food here huh?" Kit giggled and nodded. Ohm hummed. "Okay, let's go then." The two friends walked together. Kit turned to Ohm.

"Hey, I saw you talk to someone earlier. Who's that? I think I know all your friends here but that one I never see." Kit asked trying not to be obvious. He's eager to know who that guy is.

Ohm thought for a while. "Someone earlier? Oh, Ming?"


"Someone tall eh?" Kit nodded. Ohm smiled. "That's Mingkwan or Ming, a friend I met during a competition. You never saw him because he's in different faculty and you two never cross a time. At college, we rarely hanged out. Usually we're talking online, while gaming." Kit nodded lightly remembering that his best friend had a small crew who he played game together often.

Ohm beamed suddenly. "Oh, remember the one I told you that I admire for having the game channel and I want to be like him? Ming is the one."

"Oh. He is?" Kit said. Ohm nodded like an excited puppy.

"See, I'm trying to get mae and por about this after you knock some sense to me. Would you help me?"

"Are you serious with that live-streaming thing?" Kit asked. Ohm nodded.

"Please help me?"


"Maybe help to talk and convince them with me."

"But I know nothing about those things. Why wouldn't you ask Ming?" Kit said. Ohm beamed.

"My parents don't know Ming. Oh come on. Let me show you Ming's channel and what he did usually so you could have ideas. I have been researching about how the income works on that site too." Ohm looked at Kit with puppy eyes. "I will explain to you so you will understand and then you help me to convince mae and por. Please?" Kit looked at Ohm and sighed.

"Fine." Ohm grinned.

"Okay, let's get the food first and then I show you." Kit nodded. One part of him actually was reluctant to help Ohm because he knew how hard to make compromise with Ohm's parents, but one part of him kinda excited to know he could see more of the guy that made him feeling things earlier. He wanted to know more of the attraction. So, he grabbed the chance. Perhaps, while helping his friend, he would help himself too. Kit smiled to himself. Might as well follow the guy on his channel.

End of flashback

"Oh, right. I have an idea." Ohm's sudden voice made Kit startled from his memory. He looked at Ohm.

"What? What idea?"

Ohm smirked and Kit didn't like that because he knew it means trouble. "Very good idea. Take it that I'm repaying your effort for helping me talking to mae and por. That today I'm able to achieve my goal, well that if I can decide the name."

"I will help on that if you need?" Kit said uncertain. Ohm grinned.

"Of course but let's think about it later. Get back to my idea."


"So, earlier when I was setting my microphone, Ming pinged me a message." Ohm said lightly smirking. Kit frowned.


"Tonight supposedly the quad agreed to play GI but earlier Kin said he's just finished his stuff at college and still on the way home so Ming invited me to play. I didn't reply yet as I was immersed with the setup." Ohm wriggled his eyebrows at Kit. Kit raised his brow.


"You have been whining at me to play the game with you so that you can farm more. But I'm not really into that game, the quad is. How about I ask Ming if you could join them?"

Kit startled. "Uh? What? No." Kit quickly said. He knew Ming's schedule. He watched Ming's live stream earlier of the day when the new update for the game was just up. Ming had informed during the live that there will be another live at night as he will be exploring the new map with his friends. Kit now was sure it is the one.

"Oh, come on. I'm helping you to get close to your crush, dipshit. I told you to come and meet him last time but you didn't come. Geesh." Ohm hissed and stared at Kit. Kit looked away as he felt his cheeks burnt. Not that he didn't want to get to know more of Ming and meet him but Kit was shy. Ever since he came to the term that he really likes the tall guy, Kit couldn't control much of his expression moreover his blush whenever he heard or saw Ming even though it's only through screen. Imagine if he met Ming in real life. Kit shuddered to that imagination, embarrassing.

While he was thinking away, Ohm already replied to Ming. Kit was still not aware. Once Ohm received an okay from Ming that he didn't even notice Ming told him to get his friend to greet first and tell him if already invited, Ohm just got up to Kit's PC and did something. Kit was still daydreaming and only noticed what's happening when Ohm put his headphone on his head.

Kit frowned at Ohm about to say something but he froze when he heard voices in his headphone. His eyes quickly went to the monitor and his eyes widened. Kit covered his microphone and glared Ohm. "What the hell?"

"Well, you're daydreaming again and I'm just doing my job as a cupid. Have fun. Tell me the details later. I will leave you with your crush." Ohm giggled and ran away once he noticed Kit was about to get up and kick him in the ass. Luckily, Kit still covered his microphone. He huffed once Ohm closed his door and took a deep breath to calm himself. He hoped Ming didn't notice that he already had been in Ming's discord server for some time now but he never talked there. So it's not much of hassle to add Kit into the private voice channel. Ohm just put the password that known to the crew only earlier for Kit.

"Um, hello?" Kit said uncertainly. The voices had been talking not realizing him joining at all. He figured no one realized Ohm had insert him into the channel. Kit moved his fingers to type something on the browser and opened a site. He muted the site and quickly clicked the first thumbnail he saw. It's Ming's live streaming.

"Hey, hi. I guess we're talking to Kit, Ohm's friend is it?"

Kit bit his lips. Damn, the way Ming said his name just had him right there. "Um, yes."

Come on, Kit. You're not going to be your awkward self. He said inside his heart like a mantra. Maybe because he kept doing it so he managed to pull himself together and comfortable enough to talk and tell them about him liking men. But he did blush when Ming teased him about being distracted. Oh Ming, you need to know that you hit the right point. How can I not be distracted with you calling my name making my heart do things?

They eventually fell into trance of gaming excitement. This game, Kit started to play because of Ming. The first few live-streaming of Ming he watched was about this game. Eventually Kit got curious and played as well where later he got hooked with it.

Kit let the live-streaming site opened at the other screen he had so at times he glanced at the comment box. He didn't need to hear from the site as he could hear from the voice channel. He pretty much knew what happened there in the comment box. He even blushed when some of the comments kept saying his voice cute. The cheesy lines he read also made him almost chuckle but he chuckled voiceless as he didn't want them to hear him laugh and later will be questioned where he had no idea to answer. He couldn't tell them, moreover Ming that he's watching the live right?

Kit stiffened when Ming had to read that comment. He actually saw that comment and panicked a little. He thought Ming wouldn't read it but that guy just had to read first before thinking. Kit noticed this habit for all the live-streaming he had watched, Ming often straight away read comments without feeling the need to filter so sometimes his viewers would bully him saying some stuffs. Luckily they're all proper community, never make some sick jokes or uncomfortable words. But even so, what you have to read that one Ming?!

Kit was nervous wreck when Kyla cued him in. And Ming wasn't helping when he suddenly threw that line to him. Kit seriously almost, almost combusted in happiness and squealed. Luckily he caught himself straight and behaved without giving his new friends any clue about what's happening on his other side. But not the choked air, Kit hoped it's an understandable reaction.

But he was spluttering mess and couldn't speak! Damn it Mingkwan.

"Shut up, I'm not! Um, can you guys get back to the game? Monsters are around me?" Kit tried to change the topic. Fortunately, they're kind enough with him. Maybe because he's new with them so they didn't want to make him uncomfortable. But why Ming had to say that?

Kit took his time to glance at the live-streaming as he's curious what Ming's doing and the reaction of the viewers. Once he saw it, he could feel his body just flushed all over. Ship? Date? What?!

Kit stopped moving his fingers from hitting the keyboard as he stunned for a while. They... they're shipping us? Like for real? To even create name. MingKit.

Kit couldn't stop his smile. He then looked at Ming on the screen who was giving the camera a look while pointing to his headphone. Kit frowned. Did Ming read it? Again, if it's still possible, Kit blushed harder. He read about those shipping thing and date and... he doesn't look disgusted, also he smiled.

Kit didn't know what to do with himself. A glimmer of hope was there. But he composed himself and back to the game when Kyla called Ming in angry tone for being idle. Luckily no one noticed he's also being idle at the same time.

Kit tried not to think about earlier and focused on the game. But his smile was intact on his lips, refused to go away. He felt himself turned silly but yeah who can stop themselves from being silly when it came to love? Kit blinked at his thought. Did I just...

He almost squeaked, luckily he cupped his mouth before any sound got into the microphone. And it's in his luck that they're right now stopping to warm their character from the cold. Kit seriously needed to calm down or he might out himself accidentally. Luckily after that the focus was rather on the game and Ming read simple comments. Kit realized Ming had dodged the naughty teasing about him and Ming. Kit thought for the first time that it's possible to die from shyness.

When Kyla signed off, Kit was still okay because there's still Toey with them. He was a bit sad when Ming ended his live because he cannot see Ming but it's understandable that it was too long already and late. But when Toey got problem with his connection, Kit panicked a little. He didn't know if it's wise to stay when it's only both of them but he also wanted it. So at last he decided to stay because he wanted to spend more time with Ming.

When Ming told him to go to his world, Kit didn't think much of what kind of puzzle Ming didn't do it yet. But when they're going to a familiar path to him, Kit felt his heart thumping harder. Plus, Ming was being quite awkward at the other side didn't help. Kit didn't want to think much but it's hard. Too hard because he knew their destination was eventually the island that have heart shape. He had a special feeling about that island. He had to stop himself few times not to sound so eager when he wanted to confirm with Ming about their destination.

"Is it the island? That need two people to stand on the each side of heart?"

"Um." Short reaction. Kit blinked and tried to talk more.

"Oh. I'm surprised."


"Ah, I mean. I thought you already did this one, because judging from your play, you have been playing this game for so long right? You have friends to play the game together, so..." Kit noticed he started to babble because he almost, almost ask if Ming thought of this island in a special way, like him.

"Um, I just want to save it." Ming's words had Kit stiffened for a bit. Can I hope something from that?

Kit wanted to ask more but he decided not to. Both of them landed on the island in silence. When he realized Ming's character didn't move, he called him. Ming sounded startle but then smoothly said he's checking the way. Kit chuckled because somehow the tone Ming used sounded cute to him. As Kit already went to the island for few times, he remembered perfectly the way to the heart from where they landed so he led the way.

When they're near to the heart, Kit felt he wanted to do something. So he clicked few times before stepping into the heart. When again he noticed Ming's character didn't follow, he called Ming to come. Ming came inside the heart and not long after that the treasure popped up behind them. He waited Ming to go collect first as it's Ming's world. But Ming's surprised squeak startled him.

"What? Why? Did you not see the treasure? I saw it."

"No, it's not about it. I saw that but I just- oi, Kit. You freaking have Jean!" Kit immediately chuckled to the cute reaction, a fanboy certified. Kit felt amused and can't help his pounding heart. Oh my god, it's still possible to fall more for him?

"Ming..." / "Um..."

They chuckled when they found out they talked at the same time. When Ming let him talk, he didn't know how he found himself able to ask the question he had since earlier. Of why he save this puzzle for later. When Ming started to talk about the Love Island idea established by the fandom of the game, Kit cupped his mouth tight not to let out his squeal. He didn't care if he's being full of himself but it was there. Everything was pointing to him that... Ming thought him as someone who is worthy enough to be brought to this island. That suggests I am special, right? Does he like me too? But how?

Kit was panicked and stayed silent but when he heard the nervousness in Ming's voice calling his name, he tried to be calm. Kit took a breath and let Ming know that he also had a similar thought about the island. He wanted to ask Ming if he purposely brought him here and is he allowed to think more of it. But Ming cut him off.

"I... save it for that exact reason." Kit heard Ming loud and clear. Kit didn't know what to say but he's squealing internally and blushed profusely. Maybe the silence was too long that Ming called his name. Kit responded.

"You said you didn't do this puzzle yet as well. So, would you let me go there with you in your world?" Ming's question was making Kit even more a mess. He's nervous, he's happy and he didn't know what to do with himself. Eventually panicking extremely, he accidentally knocked off his mouse. Kit coughed to cover his embarrassment and collected the fallen mouse. And even though he is whispering his next word, he knew Ming heard when Ming let out a happy yelp.

"Then, meet you in my world so that we are equal." Kit whispered, before adding in more hushed voice but Ming heard it because the other guy yelped a yes in such happy tone this time. That made Kit smiled stupidly and he hoped that from this point onward, they could really make it true, in their real life not just the game.

"Also, let's combine our world together."


A/N: Hello everyone~ Some New Year gift for you, I hope with the happiness in this chapter would give you happiness at the first morning of 2021 and the rest of the year 555 idk why but I feel the urge to write this extra too, at this wee hour of first day of 2021. LOL, I'm sleepy and I didn't really re-read this chapter so if spotted mistakes I'm sorry. Also I'm not sure if it's tally to main part in the previous chapter but I hope I didn't mess it up (oh well, I'm writing this at midnight and now about like 2AM? So yeah bound to be... a mess 555) I still stubborn to write this one till the end because I don't think I will be sleeping peacefully if I didn't finish it. So yeah, hope you like the extra that is from Kit POV kkkk Anyway. Hope you enjoy this and see you again 😊 HAPPY NEW YEAR~ 🎉

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