Our Melodious Love

By Mcfly_Love

27.1K 594 71

Skye Young is the daughter of the Worlds most famous couple. Her dad's an actor, her mum's a singer. Her brot... More

1. Preparation
2. First Sight
3. Dougie's POV- First Sight
4. To the Stage
5. The End to a Perfect Day
6. Front Page News
7. My Story
8. Dougie's Story
9. Karaoke
10. McGirls
11. Zukie
12. My Parents
13. Confessions
14. Mornings
15. Eventful Day
16. His Family
17. Awards Part 1
18. Awards Part 2
19. Chat Show
20. Kiss and Tell
21. Willow's POV
22. Ignored
23. Dougie's POV
24. Willow's POV
25. Tyler's POV
26. We are Family
27. The Announcement
28. Goodbye
29. Willow's POV
30. Captain
31. The Tour
32. The Snow
33. Dougie's Birthday
34. Christmas
35. Sha La La
36. All in the Luck
37. Happy Birthday To Mee
38. One Year
39. Fun and Games

40. The Last Chapter

476 11 1
By Mcfly_Love

It was now June and I was starting to get really panicked. Me and Doug had been together for three years now and it was starting to get rocky. I was barely seeing him, when I rang him he said that he was busy with the guys. One day, Dougie said he had rehearsal with the guys. I called Tom and he said that there was no band rehearsal. He was distancing himself away and I wondered if he'd found somebody else. My heart wrenched at that. I'd had many sleepless nights, worrying about it. When we were together he was very happy but he always seemed nervous around me now. A bit shifty. I wondered if he'd cheated on me.
My eyes welled up at the thought. He couldn't have, it was Dougie. But there was no other explanation.
I was sat on my bed at home thinking about it, with my phone in my hand, waiting for him to call me. I'd called him a bunch of times but he hadn't called me for a couple of months now. And that wasn't anything to do with him not liking calling someone because he found it weird.
My phone buzzed and I jumped. I didn't expect that. I looked at the Caller ID. It was Willow. I sighed.
"Hey chick, how are you holding up?" She asked me.
I huffed and my eyes filled with tears again. "I don't think he likes me anymore" my voice cracked and I started crying.
"Oh hun, don't cry! I'm sure it's not that!" Willow reassured me.
"What else can it be?" I asked her, waiting for an answer.
There was a long pause on the line were Willow didn't reply.
I broke down crying again.
"I'm coming over right now and we're going to watch movies and eat ice cream okay?"
My voice sounded raw and hoarse as I said to her "Willow, that's what people do when they've just broken up with somebody!" I cried more.
"Right... Well I'm still coming over!" She protested and I heard her put the phone down. I climbed into my bed and I huddled up as I cried into my pillow.
I heard the door slam downstairs and knew it was Willow.
"Hey!" I heard Tyler say to Willow. Them two were still happily together.
"Gotta run, girl talk" I heard her say back and I heard Willow run up the stairs.
My door opened, showing beams of light and I hid away from it. I'd been used to the dark as I hadn't opened my curtains for a few days now. I'd barely come out of my room.
We hadn't broken up but I felt like it was heading that way.
"Urgh" Willow shuddered.
"What?" I croaked at her.
My curtains were closed and the lights were off. Only a bit of daylight came through the curtains. My bed was full of tissues and my floor was covered in sweet wrappers. My guitar lay on the floor as I'd wrote a few songs about what was happening to me. I lay in bed with my hair looking like a nest, no makeup on, red, blotchy eyes and I was in my pajamas. My room smelt a bit too.
"Honey, we've got to get you sorted out" she commanded.
"Nooo!" I moaned, huddling further into my covers.
"What use are you like this? Your fans are worried about you! You haven't tweeted in days! I'm worried about you!"
I peeped up over my duvet and saw my best friend sat on the edge of my bed. I sat up.
"You've got to show him what he's missing! Not hide away in your hole of a room" she rubbed my shoulder.
I felt my phone buzz again. I stared at it. The only people that could be calling were my family or Willow. Unless...
I turned my phone around and stared at the Caller ID. It was Dougie. I looked at Willow and she ushered me to pick up.
I drank some water to make my voice sound less hoarse and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Skye! Hey! So we were all going for a meal tonight and I want you to come with us". This was the cheeriest I'd heard him sound in a long time. However, he still sounded a bit shaky.
"Um, where?" I asked him, unsure.
"At this place called the Hilton, have you heard of it?" He teased me.
"Heard of it?!" I freaked out. The Hilton was one of the most poshest, expensive places around. "Of course I've heard of it!"
I heard him chuckle. "Good, well meet us at the house at seven then?"
"Okay!" I squealed, forgetting what had happened before.
"Oh and Skye?" I heard him say.
I felt him smirk on the other end of the phone. "Wear something nice".
I grinned like the Cheshire Cat as I put the phone down.
I felt Willow staring at me. "What the hell was that?!" She stared at me.
"Did you hear?!" I squealed to her.
"I heard alright! You just gave in so easily!" She said, outraged.
"I-" I stuttered but I couldn't think of anything.
She smirked at me. "It doesn't matter. We need to get you ready!"
My mum had called in our hairdresser, Marie to help handle my hair. I'd showered, shaved and moisturised and I now waited in my white towel. Marie walked in and said "Right chuck, what're we going to do with you?" I smiled at her and gave her a huge hug.
As she did my hair I told her about everything that was going on with Dougie. I explained how important this night must be in order to keep our relationship going as I'd barely seen him. We hadn't exactly had arguments but I saw him for small amounts of time in large periods where I had to wait.
When Marie had finished with my hair my mum did my makeup. She applied smokey eyes, a pale shade of lipstick and a light blusher. I then put on my shoes and dress and I was ready to go.
"You're to die for" my mum beamed at me.
"Go show him what he's missing" Willow giggled and we all headed downstairs.
I drove myself to the band house in my Chevy Truck.
Once I arrived I saw all of the boys standing in their tuxedos and all of the girls in colourful dresses. I immediately felt like I'd dressed too dark. I stepped out of the truck and walked over to them. I looked at Dougie's face. He was staring at me with his mouth open.
"Oh no! Is the dress too dark? I knew it!" I cried.
"No no no!" Dougie rushed "You look...amazing" he smiled at me.
I started to blush. "Thank you".
Me, Dougie and Gi were going in Tom's car and Danny, Georgia and Izzy were going to go in Harry's car. I looked properly at Dougie as we were getting in. His hands were shaking and his face was white. We'd acted really polite recently but he still gave me a tingly feeling. I felt like we were different though. He was different.
"Are you okay?" I asked him.
He looked over at me. "Yeah I'm fine!" He gave me a quick smile. He breathed out heavily.
"Dougie what's wrong?" I asked him seriously.
"I just want this night to go perfectly" he smiled longer at me this time and looked at me properly.
I blushed again and looked at my lap. He grabbed my hand and held it and I felt instantly better. Even though his hand was sweating.
Was he going to break up with me? In front of everybody? But that wouldn't justify the way that he was acting. I didn't have a clue what was going on.
We sat in silence as we eventually all arrived at the Hilton.
As we walked in we heard a few girls shriek and we all smiled at them. They wanted to rush over but immediately bodyguards stood in front of us. We waited in the lobby until the lady said that our table was ready. We all walked to the lift and went up to the restaurant.
The doors opened and we entered a very posh looking restaurant. People were sat around but the lady took us to a very secluded spot. The tables and the chairs were all draped in white cloth. At the back of the chairs there were ribbons. Our table was round and quite big as the chairs circled around it, eight of them all together. There were pretty white flowers with green stems in the middle of the table and our cutlery and plates were all set. At the back of us the walls were a light shade of wood. The windows went from ceiling to floor in front of us and the view overlooked the whole of London. It was dark now at half past eight but it just made the view even more beautiful. I saw red taxis, busy streets, lamp-post lights blaring and the whole of London looked so enchanting.
"Woah!" I gasped. So did everybody else. I don't think that anybody expected this. The waiter pulled out our chairs for us ladies as we all sat at the table. We all ordered our starters and main courses. Once the waiter had taken our orders and menus I just stared in front of me at the view.
"You're not staring at me right?" Harry said to me.
I focused back in and realised it might have looked a bit weird considering I was facing Harry across the table.
I just chuckled and reassured him that I wasn't staring at him.
"So do you like it?" Dougie nervously bit his lip.
"I love it!" I exclaimed. "Wait, did you plan this?" I asked him.
He scratched the back of his head and looked at the napkin on his lap. "Kind of".
"Doug, it's so serene" I gave him the biggest smile ever. This night couldn't get any better. However, there was still a nagging feeling at the back of my mind that there was something that Dougie wasn't telling me.
The waiter came with our starters and we ate them. We were all eating in silence, just enjoying the food. I loved it way more than I should have. I was eating a prawn cocktail and it was so refreshing. Once we'd all finished the chatter started up again, we couldn't keep quiet for long, and the waiter took our plates. I chatted for a bit with the others but I was still mesmerised by the view. I'd always loved people watching. Not in a creepy way, I just loved to see how everyone dealt with things and how people reacted. We were all different and it was interesting to see that.
I didn't realise how much time had passed but it was now nine pm and our main courses arrived. We all talked this time whilst digesting our food. We talked about Gi's baby and how they'd have to get all of their equipment sorted. I could feel Dougie getting more and more nervous as the night progressed. Once we'd finished, Tom stood up.
"Dougie, can I talk to you for a second?" He said, well...commanded. Dougie looked up at him sheepishly. They both stood up and walked to the toilets.
"I'm coming too!" Harry announced.
"Wait for me!" Danny called, jogging after them.
We all looked at them leaving.
"What's all that about?" I asked them, a little confused.
"I have no idea" Georgia shook her head.
Around five minutes later they all came back, walking quietly to the table.
"What was that?" I whispered to Dougie.
He shook his head in reply. I could see that his hands were shaking. What was going on?
We all made polite conversation and I heard Dougie let out a huge breath.
"Skye Evelyn Young" Dougie announced. We all stopped talking. This was it, he was going to tell me what was wrong with him.
He stood up. What was he doing? And why did he say my full name? He let out another deep breath. I stared at him, looking smart in his black tuxedo and he played with his hair. He reached behind him and I wondered why. His face had turned a pale white. I looked into his eyes and he looked in mine.
He bent down on one knee and I gasped as he opened a little black box that held a ring inside.
"Will you marry me?"
My heart started racing. My breathing was irregular. My eyes were so wide as I stared in his. Married? He was shaking more now.
"Yes!" I squealed. "Yes! I'll marry you!" I sprung up out of my chair and started crying in happiness. We hugged each other and shared a long kiss. He held my left hand carefully and put the ring on it. It was in a heart shape, with silver diamonds filling in the heart. On the inside it said 'Dougie & Skye' and it occasionally had pink diamonds dotted randomly around the silver ones. We put our foreheads together and looked down at the ring. I could tell that he was crying too, tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"These bits-" he said, carefully pointing to the pink diamonds, "Are to remind us that we're not perfect, but we'll always be together" he kissed my cheek as I stared at the ring. "I had it specially made, that's where I've been all of this time. I've had to go and do designs and stuff with the person who's made it".
And I thought that he was cheating on me. "I thought that you were having an affair!" I cried again.
"Never" he shook his head and smiled at me, his toothy grin showing.
I heard a wail and looked over at the others. They were all shedding tears too but Giovanna was in hysterics. "This is so not good for my hormones!" She cried and had to excuse herself to the bathroom to wipe her face. I wiped my eyes, smudging my eye makeup a bit but it was okay.
I was engaged! To Dougie Lee Poynter! And I couldn't have been happier about it.
I also had to excuse myself to the bathroom and so did the other girls. We all dabbed at our eyes and sorted out our makeup.
"You'll be a part of the McWives now!" Izzy cried again and it set us all off crying again.
"Did you guys know?" I asked, dabbing at my eyes again, trying to stop crying in happiness.
"We had no idea! We knew something shifty was going on" Giovanna sniffled.
Eventually we stopped crying, reapplied our makeup and came out of the toilets. We walked back to the table and I couldn't stop looking at my ring. My engagement ring.
I suddenly thought of my dad. I cringed at the thought.
"What is it?" Dougie asked me.
"My dad"
He smirked at me.
"Oh don't worry, he loves me"
"Oh really" I said to him, wide-eyed and put my hands on my hips.
"Yes" he smirked.
"And how do you know that?"
"Because-" he started, "I asked him and your mum for permission a week ago and they were ecstatic".
I stared at him. They knew! My family knew and they didn't tell me! I was in my room for weeks wallowing in my own self pity! For some reason I burst out laughing. Dougie laughed too.
"We're going to get married" he grinned at me and I beamed back at him.
"We are!"
We left at about half ten after talking about getting married with the others. I said goodbye to Danny, Georgia, Izzy and Harry as I wouldn't see them again until who knows when although Tom and Gi would see them tonight. I hugged them each individually and they all congratulated us guys. It turned out the McFly boys and James and Matt all knew, that's why they'd all taken that mysterious trip to the bathroom, to calm Dougie's nerves.
We hopped into Tom's car and huddled up together on the back seat, excitedly talking.
At last we stopped at my house. Through the window I could see my mum, dad, Tyler and Willow all grinning from ear to ear at me, they all knew. I clambered out of the car with Dougie and gripped his hand as we ran to the door, opened it, and into the lounge.
"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" I screamed excitedly and we all had a group hug.
Tom and Giovanna left and Dougie stayed over at my house for the night. We snuggled together in my double bed all night, staring at the ring and I thought about the beautiful white wedding that I was going to have.
Hellooooooo! So it's finished :( Dang it! I really hope that you enjoyed it! Please comment what you think, I say this every time and nobody really comments, I really want to hear your opinions! So this was the last chapter...but I'm doing a sequel!!!!! Yaaaaayyyyyyy!!! It's going to be called 'We Are Harmonious', sorry for the cheesy titles. The book is out now on Wattpad but I might not write for around a month... Saying that I want to start writing now! So it could even be next week! I really hope you enjoyed this book and please add We Are Harmonious to your reading lists!!!! Thank you for being so nice to me, byeeee!!xxx

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