𝒾'𝓋𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊.

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Prompt; Reader catches Hermione. 


She sat back with tears in her eyes, she promised you she wouldn't. She told you that last time would be the last time, and you knew better than to believe it. She didn't have the easiest life, and Draco made everything worse for her.

She sat on the bathroom floor with the blade in her hands, tears streaming down her face, hoping more than anything she wouldn't break her promise. She loved you too much, but she felt worthless, and there was nothing.. not even you could help that feeling, as desperate as you tried. 

You on the other hand we frantically rushing through the halls, as it was stated you knew better. Pushing through people, being smart didn't mean she painless. It didn't mean she too didn't have feelings, and most people didn't understand that, but out of most, you certainly did. The only Slytherin that could ever try even, maybe you'd open minds, who knows. 

That wasn't important, no linage, no status, no houses, it was here. She was all that mattered, and you wished she knew that, because no matter how many times she told you she understood, she didn't.

She thought in the eyes of the beholder she wasn't deserving and was wasting her time here. Her tears dripping down onto her wrist, right where the sleeve was rolled up, she dragged it across the scars. Mad at herself for breaking the promise she did it once more, she wasn't deserving, once more the sharp blade marking her skin. 

And just when she was about to stop thoughts came rushing in and she did it twice more, still not thinking it was enough, she did it two more times. The blood staining the rolled up sleeve, her shirt was ruined, she scolded herself for ruining her shirt. The war had changed her, her parents changed her. 

You had agreed to go back with her, you loved her, and kept on. You didn't want her going back alone, she wanted to finish that was important to her, but the scars on her body she hated them. And you knew that better than anybody that's why you spent countless hours kissing them for her, loving her the way she needed. 

Mud-blood marked on her forearm, it broke you. Because her being muggle born didn't faze you, you loved her, her linage not deswaying you. You wanted to marry her, you wanted a life with her. So she had promised, but she knew she couldn't keep it. She wanted to, more than anything just for you.

You threw open the bathroom door, and there she was, her head propped back her tears rushing down her face. Her breathing oddly calm, the blood rushing down her arm, your heart broke. You didn't care about some dumb promise, you leaned down, Hermione believing you were going to scold her. You whispered a chant, cleaning up the blood, before looking at her, she didn't dare look at you. 

"Oh love," you mumbled, grabbing at her to bring her closer, "Don't worry about your shirt, I have extras," you rested your head on top of hers. You knew she was more upset about the shirt than the cuts. You held her for a second, her sobs becoming more violent. You hand traced her back in circles, calming her down in some aspect. 

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," she sobbed, you shook your head, you didn't want it. You didn't want her to be sorry, you wanted her to be happy, and making her feel worse, yelling at her wasn't going to get her there. 

"Baby, I don't care you broke the promise alright? I don't. Let's get you out of here, mm?" she nodded, she wrapped her legs around your torso, her arms around your neck. You stood up carrying her to your dorm, being the oldest Slytherin had it's perks. You lead her down gently on the bed, afraid you'd break her. 

She looked up at you, you looked down, everything her eyes told you everything. She was in pain, but she loved you. You gave her a smile, letting her wrap her arms around you, "I love you," she mumbled.

"I know love, I love you too," you rubbed her back. She held you tight, and you held her back afraid if you let go she'd disappear. "How about you stay with me at night from now on? I am sure the professors would mind," you suggested. 

She hummed in response, she fell asleep in your arms. Hoping this was her last time, but you weren't hopeful, it'd get better. You just have to be patient. 

Hermione Granger ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin