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"Hermione! Hermione, slow down," Y/n called after her, she stopped, throwing her head back in annoyance. Y/n had taken every chance she had for the shorter girl, and to avail it didn't work, but maybe, just maybe this would. 

"What is it now Y/n?" she asked, rolling her eyes, brows furrowing together. 

"Hear me out. You never want to hear what I have to say, just listen to this," Y/n pulled out her headphones, handing one to Hermione. She hesitated at first before putting the bud in her ear, Y/n pressed play. 

Half way through the song, Y/n looked at Hermione and smiled, Hermione's cheeks began to burn red. SHe's never had this affect before so what was happening? Had Hermione finally realized that she had feelings for her admirer. 

Once the song finished Y/n looked back over to a blushing Hermione, "So is now a bad time to asked you on a date?" 

short but sweet, want a part two to this one? this was a variation of yellow in the hogwarts world. 

Hermione Granger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now