𝓎𝓊𝓁𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝓁𝓁.

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for people that don't like dresses, i will be doing options so it will suit/dress. i know some people don't like suits, and some don't like dresses, anywhore that will be all. 


With the yule ball slowly approaching, and Hermione not sure if she wants to put her relationship out there she is slowly struggling on who to take to the dance. Not mention the added pressure of making sure nobodies feelings are hurt, but in the end someone will be.

She finds that during studying she can focus, she is distracted thinking of her lovely girlfriend, Y/n. Who was probably at quidditch practice for (Y/h), Hermione loved watching her play, she was amazing at it. But she wasn't ready to out herself to everyone, and she'd known Y/n had been patient with her.

In fact Y/n hadn't bothered to ask, not that she didn't want to, but she knew the exact answer she'd get from her, she wasn't ready. And Y/n had promised she'd be patient and wait for her, but at some point or another, it was going to take a toll on her. 

Hermione didn't know the line that was lining up to ask her beloved girlfriend out, she had no clue, maybe that would've changed her mind, but Y/n begged to differ. In fact what even caused their fight was she told Victor Krum yes.

"I don't know why I said yes! I ju-just I'm not ready Y/n you know that," she spoke softly, Y/n was reading a book, while Hermione was explaining herself, "say something."

"I don't know what you want me to say! That I am surprised just a little, but not that you won't go with me, that's not surprising in the least. What do you want me to say Mione? That I am not upset! I am! I can't take my own girlfriend to the Yule Ball, one opportunity mione! one!" Hermione flinched every time the older girl rose her voice. "I don't know what you expect from me? I told you I'd be patient and I will be, but I still get the right to be upset for taking someone else."

"I-I know," Hermione stuttered, her tears falling, she wasn't ready, and that's all that mattered to Y/n. If she wasn't ready she wasn't going to push, she'd wait. 

"Stop crying," Y/n muttered moving closer to her, wiping her tears away, "you'll have puffy eyes in the morning," Hermione, slowly made her way onto her lovers lap, curling into her. They weren't so touchy in front of people, but in their dorms there was a major difference. But as the night got on, Y/n wondered what it was that she did wrong to make Hermione not want to show her off. Y/n would've had no problem bragging that the most intelligent and beautiful witch was her own to claim, so what was it about her? 

She ended up giving up and going to sleep. 


"Why don't one of you ask Y/n she doesn't have anyone to go with," Hermione beamed, she would rather pair you off with one of her best friends, than someone who could make a move on you. You smiled back.

"Well, I was planning on asking Cho, but Ron wanna have a swing at it," Harry said.

Ron gulped, "Y/n, do you want to go to the yule ball with me," Ron asked. 

"Ew. Gross no," Y/n laughed.

"Well blimey! No need to be rude about it," Ron yelled.

"I'm just kidding all jokes, I'm already going with someone, haven't you heard?" Y/n asked, moving closer to him.

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