stay educated please...

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So it had been brought to my attention this tweet right here;

I want everyone to here and see this, and with the small following I have I want it to do some good

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I want everyone to here and see this, and with the small following I have I want it to do some good. Please, girls know your rights. You can say no, you can scream, you can fight back. This has already passed in one state. I fear for the women of America because not only is this disregarding transgenders, it's giving men easy access to young girls.

School shouldn't be a place to be feared, and should be a safe haven. I am perplexed with the directions we are going in, my fellow friends, we are not taking a step backwards, it's just stepping over the line at this point. 

If you choice to read the article or not, they WILL NOT be doing this with men/boys. 

This means that no male will be affected by the laws designed by such

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This means that no male will be affected by the laws designed by such. Ladies, I am afraid of the future we hold. It had always and will continue to be dictated by men in suits because they feel they need to control us. As someone who had valued the respect of everyone this is and will never prove to be okay. 

I think that is it very important to note that if this happens, someone needs to step up. Needs to say something, we have all these female role models, they choose to ignore what does not effect and even more they choice to talk when it fits. When they need the publicity they use the topics to their favor. 

For those that choice to ignore this, there isn't much I can say. I know this probably triggers people. Even if it doesn't get passed in more states, the idea of it, makes it all the more worse. I honestly don't know what to say. Or how to move forward in a country that does nothing but take us back. 

I know the women before us didn't fight for us just so this could keep happening. Honestly I don't think people understand, this will keep happening. As long as we continue to make our way in the world, there will be laws. There will be politics. I never wanted to get political on this account, but I feel like if I don't say something, it might be too late. 

There are allies, men, African American, LGBT+, etc. There will be those that help, and those that take part in the downfall. There will be those who take part in hurting other people. It's honestly a repeat in history. 

The fact that people choose to ignore that women go through oppression, sets in stone that it was the basis of history. How can we go through oppression when we've known no different? They give us a little bit, and then they take it away. We should be thankful, I don't know. I stand for equal between the genders, between everyone. Gay people, straight, race. It doesn't matter to me, because you are who you are. 

At the end of the day, I can't change who I am, and you can't change who you are. There is no need for this. It's just another attempt to throw trans people back, after fighting so hard for their rights. Though they had few, it still doesn't matter. 

It's a way to outcast those that aren't ideal. It's a means to an end. I don't care what people say, or if they get mad at me. I will fight for my rights, and everyone else until I can't. This is appalling. Down right wrong. 

I honestly can't see myself going back to school if this law passes. I don't want to add to the account of men, I don't want to be around most of them. I am sorry to everyone else who can feel this struggle. And even more to those that have gone through sexual assault. I know it isn't easy coming forward with it. Talking about it. It never had been; in fact there was a time in history where that was normal, and wasn't even a crime.

Please know your rights. Know what they can and cannot do. We need to stay educated, because once we lose our knowledge, we lose the chance at a fair argument.  We don't have the upper hand, we don't even have the lower one. 

I am fairly displeased with my country. A country I don't feel safe in anymore. For those that need to know how to protect yourself, because my mother never had this talk with me. Her reasoning was because it never happened to her. 

1.) Lock your doors. 

2.) Keep a key between your knuckles when going anywhere alone. 

3.) When getting in your car check behind you, looking in the back seat. 

4.) Always be aware of your surroundings. 

5.) Never let a man silence you. This one is difficult, but as a female, anyone that ever wants to talk about this, or other things, I will listen. I know it's easy for them (men) to mix up fact and fiction. 

6.) If you are scared for yourself or anyone else, call the non emergency hotline for the police. Or tell your parents, or a friend.

7.) Never go anywhere without someone you trust knowing. 

8.) Don't go out alone at night, if you do dress up as a man. 

9.) Buddy system, make sure you have a friend or person you can trust, let them know your whereabouts. When you will be at a certain place, it is important for people to know you are okay. Don't just go telling random people, start with your family. 

10.) Be wary of people asking for rides, or asking questions. If someone asks you questions give them fake answers. It helps to think of them before hand, think of how you would respond to someone if you didn't trust them. 

11.) Just your gut and instinct. It's better to be wrong and overdramatic, than cautious and assaulted/harmed. 

12.) If you need someone to talk to, I am here. I know there are a lot more people out there, but I have no means to judge anyone. Not here, this is a safe place for all of you. I accept everyone, and I don't mind you unloading some problems on me, I will listen. 

Thanks for your time. I hope everyone is safe. Speak up. You have a voice. You have rights. You are a person.. 



Trans women are still women. I will stand by this statement regardless of what everyone else things. If a male decided he wants to be female, so be it, he turns to a she. Vis versa. 

this will be going in all of my books. I want everyone to stay educated.

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