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It's been hard on us all. I know, with Ronald leaving, Harry constantly getting mad, and Hermione never sleeping. We were all going to snap. Hermione has been sad ever since Ronald left, and I don't see why. No offense but Ronald never really did much but eat and complain. 

Hermione was so torn up I ended up sleeping alone the last few nights, and that wouldn't really be a problem if it wasn't so cold. Most nights it was freezing and her and I have slept in the same bed for the last four years. 

They never worn you about that. Cuddling I mean, you grow use to it, so it's weird without it. It's a feeling of neglect, and I know most nights she feels it. I don't know why she was so hung over Ron, I get it, he was her best friend, but I was her girlfriend and she had no problem ignoring me. 

"Dammit, Harry I don't know. I can't find it, we've nearly gone through all of our books!" I groaned, Hermione was in a mood again.

"'Mione darling, just take a break," I suggested, wrong words Y/n. 

"Y/n, take a walk now." Her tone was laced with annoyance. 

"I don't think I am going to, you know what, I think I'll sit right here and read this one," I picked up a book and sat down next to her. 

"I hate you. Why can't you ever just listen? I don't need help."

"Babe, clearly you do," I laughed. "You don't hate me, you want to marry me, and have children and a family," I mocked.

"Ugh! You are so annoying," she groaned slamming her books.

"When's the last time you slept?"

"Doesn't matter."

"Hermione, please just sleep."

"No, I can't sleep we need to find these."

"And I can look while you sleep, 'Mione you are slowly killing yourself, please." She looked over to me, her glare softened, she was exhausted, anybody could see it. "Come here," I whispered. Two seconds later she wrapped her arms around my midsection. Her body was cold, tired, she felt dead. 

"Why are you so warm," she chuckled. 

"Because I am just so hot," I countered. She nuzzled her head into my chest, she was getting warmer. "Why don't I move you to the bed?" she looked up and nodded, I picked her up walking us over to the bed. 

I set her down gently, grabbing extra blankets, "I must warn you, I am very good at cuddling."

"Who told you that?" Her face contorted for a second, "they must've been lying."

"Ouch Granger, ouch," I clutched at my heart. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back onto the bed. 

"Come here you big baby," she set my head in her lap. I looked up at her, "What is it now?"

"I love you. What am I not allowed to love you?"

"Can I get back to you on that one," she laughed. I brought her face down to mine. 

"Nope," I whispered against her lips, bringing them down onto mine. "Love me now?"

"I always loved you, you git," she smiled, going back in for a kiss. 

Hermione Granger ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora