Request forms:

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So I have been getting some requests, and I want to clarify how to give me one. It can be as simple as just telling me "I want Y/n and Hermione to be enemies to lovers" it doesn't have to be in full detail. 

If you want one more specific that is fine. I will more than likely do anything you guys ask for. If you want something like smut, you don't have to be embarrassed I'd rather you guys ask for that instead of me writing it and nobody wanting it. 

You can DM me and keep it anonymous, nobody needs to know all of your business, I will respect everyone, requests help the creator understand better what their readers want to see more of. So please, if you want something, just tell me, I won't judge you. 

DM's and Comments are both good ways to request things, you can also use my message board, I will see it at some point. 

Thanks to those that have requesting things, I am getting to those. That's all. 

Stay reading bicthes. (if you don't get the joke). 

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