𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓇𝒾𝒶𝑔𝑒; 𝑒𝓂𝓂𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝓈𝑜𝓃

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"I don't understand why I have to do this," you said, as your lawyer and parents led you through the doors of the unknown firm. 

"Your families go way back, this deal was set in stone," the man muttered, he'd been in the family for years. Clearly you did't want to do this, you weren't one for dating in the first place. But an assigned marriage wasn't your speed. 

So when they arranged for you to get married, you weren't in the least excited about it. Emma could've chosen another, but she had picked you. You of course were more her speed, she didn't like simpletons she liked sophisticated, that you were.

You were a known writer, and novelist, you were very educated, a choice you dictated, your parents wanting a different path, you defied them so of course they signed papers for you to marry some random showboat. And it wasn't like Emma wanted this, she had to drop everything she was doing for this dumb meeting. 

They were lucky you were in New York, you had a thirty minute drive to get there, you felt bad for making them wait. You pushed open the firm doors, taking your respected seat. Emma would be lying if she wasn't drawn back by your appearance you were, undoubtable the better option, the picture not doing you justice. 

You were two years older than her, but she looked much more mature than you. You were to say the least also drawn back by her beauty, her beautiful brown hair falling gracefully down towards her shoulders. 

"Great, Miss Y/L/N let's get started," the other lawyer spoke, handing everyone a packet. Three lousy hours you sat in that firm conference room learning of the contract do's and don't's it was wearing thin on you. You were exhausted you flannel was unbuttoned a few, and Emma found herself staring. 

Her exhaustion was evident as well, you both didn't want to be here. You would've went through with the marriage if the damn blugger talking would stop. It seemed the contract was made difficult to get out of, and the only reason it was every made was because of Emma's PR. Her agent had set it up so if by the time she was thirty and she wasn't with anyone she needed to marry.

She had a good list too, a lot of lovely guys waiting in line to be her suitor but she hadn't taken any interest in the boring men, they all had the same boring nine to five job. And more money than Emma could ever imagine even being rich and wealthy. Their bank accounts tripling hers.

Then there was you. You had a job that could peak her interests, you were finically independent, maybe you had more money than her. She took an interest in everything about you, you- and she would never admit this to her parents or her lawyer- intrigued her. 

A few more hours later the sun was setting in the Big Apple. Both of you were bored out of your right mind, and you were both being forced to stay in a hotel nearby. Separate room and all. But if you were going to get married, you decided maybe you should at least speak to each other, though it was forbidden. 

You snuck your way to the younger girls room, knocking like child, she opened she looked gorgeous in just her blue stripped pajama pants, "Soooo, I noticed you looked rather bored at the meeting, would you like to cause some trouble me," you offered, in a funny accent. Emma laughed, at least she was funny.

"I would love too," she let you tug her out of the room, and led her down the hall.

"Alright, we have to be careful, see those two," you pointed to the two men standing by the end of the hall, "those two are guards, making sure we don't leave and all," you mocked. "Oh look watch," you hit Emma's shoulder, "Jared do you think they know we are gay? No baby of course not! Why would anyone ever suspect we are big and tough," you huffed, mocking their conversation. 

You flipped your wrist over, looking at your watch, "Watch," the one turned around to peak, you grabbed Emma and hid behind the corner. Two seconds later you peaked around the corner, with her hand in yours, the guards were gone. "Kissing break," you clarified. 

You went around another bend running into two more guards, "stop," you turned to face Emma. "Go, go," you rushed, running. They were coming your way, "guess I gotta get the princess back to the castle," you bolted for her room. 

You stepped inside, you hid inside the closet as one of the guards entered, "Miss Watson, we are just checking on you, everything okay," she smiled, bitting her bottom lip. 

"Yes, everything is fine," Emma smiled, you had to hold back your laughter. "Y/n! You can come out now, they are gone," she whispered, you walked out laughing. 

"Oh, oh god they were so scared you weren't going to be in here-" your face dropped, "shit," you muttered, you went to leave, "they are going to my room next." You dashed back to your room. 

The next few days consisted of you and your childish antics, making the younger woman laugh nearly every-time. Tiny little pranks turned into large ones, and Emma wasn't upset to get involved. Maybe you weren't that bad. 

Emma slowly might have been falling for you, and you really weren't helping, maybe that was your intention. Was it working? Sure. 

You were set to marry one another three days, three days, and you weren't allowed to see each other. You scoffed when they told you that, it was silly. Three days you couldn't stand it. The urge to kiss her was stronger than you could ever imagine. You sighed, you sat in your way too big of a bed, that would've been a lot nicer with your soon to be wife.

Something was telling you to go to her room, go, you needed to. You wanted to kiss her. You weren't going to follow the dumb rules given to you by some random man. You sat up, ignoring the rules you stood up and open the door, walking to her room. 

Before you could knock it flew open, Emma stepped out, she looked at you in shock, "I was ju-just um- I was-um," she paused for a second. "I was going to see you," she admitted defeated. 

"So was I," you smiled. She looked up at you.

"Is it crazy I want you to kiss me?"

"Not at all." 

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