𝑜𝓁𝒹𝑒𝓇; 𝑒𝓂𝓂𝒶 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝓈𝑜𝓃; 𝓅𝓉𝟤

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This part is dedicated to my homie g: @mayastokes23 

Y/n and Emma had been at their deal for six months. No strings attached. They didn't talk about their personal lives, they just did what they needed to do, and Y/n got paid. Though the sex was worth just that, cash couldn't do it justice. Emma thought the same, she didn't feel she was paying nearly enough for it.

She would fly out one weekend a month, and that was not enough for either of them, but Emma didn't want to push boundaries, and Y/n didn't want to be a high school dropout. So for the time being once a month would have to be enough.

It was her sixth time, her sixth flight to New York, or sometimes London. It was rare that she ever went to London, but there was always a first for everything. Y/n didn't mind New York, though not that she'd taken this deal, she probably couldn't move there. Awkward. 

Her flight landed, she grabbed her suitcase and pulled her phone out. It wasn't common she'd text Emma when she landed, she'd more or likely message her friends first. She had to lie to all of them except Jenna, that damn bitch got her into this mess, and she of course wanted all of the details to it. 

Y/n: I am here, now I will not be messaging you until Sunday morning when I leave.

Jenna: I cannot wait. 

She shoved the square back into her pocket, and started walking towards the exit. She just wanted to lie down, or eat something, or both. Her phone buzzed, Jenna I swear. It was Emma.

Emma: I will be out late, you have key, let yourself in xx. 

She didn't reply, she just shoved the phone back in her pocket and began walking once again. She groaned, if there was one thing she liked it was seeing Emma, but also part of her was relieved she'd be alone for awhile. 

She slipped inside the apartment, putting the keys in the bowl beside the door. She sighed. The entire apartment was dark- not that she minded it- she went to the couch, because it was preferably closer than the bed. 

It was around midnight when Emma got back, she slid in quietly, she figured Y/n would be sleeping. She dropped her key's on top of the younger girls in the bowl, taking her shoes off. Emma walked around to see a body on her couch, she smiled. She was adorable when she slept. Y/n feeling eyes on her, started to stir, "rude to stare you know." 

"Rude? I supposed so, would you like to come to bed?" 

"Take me to dinner first," she joked. 

"I do believe it's a little late for that now, and we don't have to do anything, we could just sleep."

"Emma Watson are you asking to cuddle with me right now?" Y/n wore a grin. 

"Sure." Y/n stood up, moving past her walking to the bedroom. Emma followed, she started removing her clothes, she grabbed something more comfortable to wear. Y/n was already in the bed, on the left side, Emma always preferred right, propped on her elbow waiting. "It's rude to stare." 

"Mhm, guess I don't have manners," Y/n smiled, Emma blushed. Once she slipped into different clothes she walked into the bathroom, emerging minutes later. Y/n threw the covers to the side, Emma crawled in next to her, she turned over on her side, so her back was against Y/n's front. Y/n wrapped her arm around her, "Night." Emma felt her breath on the back of her neck, she shivered. 



i am so sorry. i fell asleep after school yesterday, i'm not going to lie the new contestant on hell's kitchen, that cocky one is kind pissing me off. Somebody needs to like punch him please. Anyways I am addicted to listening to drivers licenses, and watching bly manor, part 3 following this one, a hoe wouldn't leave you guys hanging. 

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