We go to Hell (again)

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All rights reserved to Rick Riordan and DC

Photo from: https://www.pinterest.com.au/pin/67835538126556450/


I wake up drenched in water and I see Thalia and Nico laughing on the floor. "Not funny guy's," I say as I get out of bed. I'm still grumbling when I walk out for breakfast (Wearing outfit at the top)

"So, there is a party happening at the Wayne's and word on the street is that the Joker's crashing the joint," I spoke.

"So, we have to play bodyguards" "Yay," said for Thalia and Nico in that order.

"But first... School" Thalia states sadly.

Line break

It is our first day at Gotham Academy, school of the rich and wealthy. Home of the jerks and A-Holes. The three of us are in the same year thankfully with chaos aging us up/down to 15 years old. We have an unspoken agreement to head to the front office. As we get there an older looking woman with a purple shirt on and bright red lipstick greets us in a peppy voice that could give you nightmares. "Hello dear's, what are you in here for?" she says. We reply with the fact that we need to get our schedules and be on our way.

Meda's Schedule

1st- History


3rd-adv Latin




6th-Elective (Marine Biology)

7th-Health and P.E.

Nico's Schedule

1st- Science


3rd-adv Latin




6th-Elective (Bizunes)

7th-Health and P.E.

Thalia's Schedule

1st- Math


3rd-adv Latin




6th-Elective (Public Speaking)

7th-Health and P.E.

I'm all alone for the first class. As I walk in, I realize I'm the first one in. This will probably be the first and last time I'm early for a class. History, yay! (note sarcasm) As everyone walks in, I'm too busy reading my phone notification's to really pay any attention (Chaos gave us the phones). "Miss Jackson, I know you are a new student, but I will not have you playing on your phone in class." Says Ms Prince. Aka. Wonder Woman. (Percy/Meda figured out their identities and yes, I know that Diana and the league don't teach at high schools but pls continue reading and you might like it) "Now come upfront and introduce yourself"

To my humiliation, I now have to introduce myself. Way to go me! (Sarcasm) "Hi, my name is Andromeda Jackson and I moved here from New York," I say in a rush then I scramble back to my seat at the back of the class.

"This year we will be covering the rise and fall of the Greeks and Romans. So, can anyone tell me the names of the 12 Olympian's?"

A random girl puts her hand up in the back of class and answer's "Hades, Aphrodite and Ares?" Nice try for a mortal but hades isn't on the council in the history books. (For one of my wishes Hestia and Hades got their thrones and spots back on the council)

"Nice try but Hades is not on the council" Ms Prince says

I decide it is time for me to put my hat in, so I put my hand up. She points to me and I say "Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Athena, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Dionysus."

"Very good, Now for homework a 2-page essay on a chosen god or goddess." Just as she says that the bell goes off. 

As I walk to my next class I run into a boy.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry!" I say while I'm picking up my stuff.

"No problem, what's your name? You seem familiar but I can't place you." Crap, he may be on to me. Um um um...

"My name is Andromeda Jackson, but you can call me Meda," I say

"Oh, cool I'm Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick," He says. Also what kind of nickname is that?

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