little talks (request)

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requested by @Carlarosebutterfly

Summary: Draco talks to an owl about his crush on Y/N, the Hufflepuff princess. When he returns to his dorm after dinner, he realizes he's made a big mistake.

Warnings: just tons of fluff, and ooc draco but that's how I like it 😌

House: Hufflepuff
Year: 3

A/N: ty for requesting, hope u like it! this prompt is absolutely adorable. also I changed up the plot s l i g h t l y I hope u don't mind lol


Draco walked through the corridors of the castle, admiring the myriad of wall portraits as he made his way to the Black Lake. He was currently skipping Herbology, as he didn't care very much for that class, and he simply felt like going for a walk.

He reveled in the quiet and tranquilizing ambience that surrounded him as he walked. He liked being alone. He didn't have to act as his usual, cavalier self like he did around his friends and classmates.

When he was alone, he could be himself.

When he arrived at the Black Lake, he stood for a moment. He looked around, his eyes carefully scanning the environment as he relished in the allure of the picture-perfect view. He smiled lightly to himself, experiencing a sense of serenity as he breathed in the pure spring air.

Just as Draco took his wand out of his pocket to practice some spells, a bunny rabbit emerged from the forest in quick, little hops. However, Draco didn't notice the bunny until it hopped over to him, jumped up, and stole his wand right from out of his hand.

"Hey-" Draco scowled, going after the bunny as it trotted hurriedly into the Forbidden Forest.

"Get back here, you bloody minx!" He exclaimed, not realizing how far into the forest he actually was. Currently, his primary focus was getting his wand back.

After Draco had chased the bunny around for a bit, it made an odd noise- almost like a mischievous giggle- before dropping the wand on the ground and hastily scampering off into the abysmal depths of the forest.

"Filthy, little tosser," Draco muttered angrily, glaring at the scurrying bunny as he picked up his wand.

After stuffing the wand in his pocket, he looked around and it finally hit him that he was lost in the middle of the Forbidden Forest.


But before he could start to really panic, he heard the soft hoot of an owl. He turned to where the sound came from and spotted a dark beige owl sitting calmly on the branch of a tree. Draco noticed that the owl's plumage was slightly dark, indicating that it was most likely a female. He also noticed that she had distinct, orange eyes.

"What, are you gonna lead me out of the forest?" Draco joked. His eyebrows raised in surprise when the owl flew to him and gently landed on his shoulder. She then flew to another branch a few feet ahead of Draco, and he realized that she was actually leading the way back.

As she led him out of the forest, Draco didn't speak. He simply watched as the owl hopped from tree branch to tree branch and led the way. It took them about 20 minutes to finally make it out of the forest.

As they emerged from the trees, Hagrid stood a short distance away from them, as he was about to enter the forest to tend to some of the creatures.

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