team (request)

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requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva

Summary: Y/N is friends with the Golden Trio, but is forced to help her enemy with his task.

Warnings: angst, fluffy ending

House: Slytherin
Year: 6

A/N: thank u for requesting, hope u like it! also guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. I PROMISE I'll update more frequently now lol


"Mother, do you even remotely understand what they're asking of me?" You asked your mother.

You two were currently in an altercation about the Dark Lord and Lucius Malfoy assigning you to be Draco's assistant for the formidable task that he was expected to complete.

It's not like you hated the boy. In fact, you had quite the crush on him. It was just the fact that he didn't like you at all, and was actually rather rude to you and your friends most of the time, so you knew that working with him was a recipe for disaster.

"Let me remind you that he practically hates my guts! It'll be nearly impossible to work with him!" You yelled. "Oh, and I'm also not very comfortable with being an accessory to murder!" You added sarcastically.

"Do you want them to hurt us?! Or your friends?! And Hermione, your muggle-born friend! You think the Dark Lord or Bellatrix would let her off?!" She snapped. "Believe me, Y/N, I don't like it, either. You need to understand that you don't have a choice here. If you want to protect our family and your friends, this is the only way. This discussion is over."

With that, your mother left your bedroom, leaving you to sit on your bed in defeat. You sighed in frustration as you let your thoughts wander off to the blond boy.


It's been two weeks since school started again, and you've already met Draco a couple times in the Room of Requirement. He didn't speak much when you were with him, and when he did, he was either insulting you or telling you that you were doing something wrong.

You had also noticed how tired he looked. From his deep eye bags to his depressed facial expressions, you could tell he wasn't getting much sleep. He wasn't taking care of himself, and you were worried for him.

And after just a few months, you lost count of how many times you had met in the Room of Requirement or the library to figure out the Vanishing Cabinet.

But the whole Dumbledore situation- neither of you were ready for it.


You sat in the Great Hall one evening for dinner, checking your watch every couple minutes. You were waiting for the time to be 6:25 p.m. You were once again supposed to meet Draco in the Room of Requirement. He sent you a note earlier, telling you to meet him there at 6:30.

"Bloody hell, Y/N if you keep checking that watch, you're going to go mental," Ron stated as you checked your watch yet again, only to see that it was now 6:26.

"I have somewhere to be. I'll see you guys later," you got up from the table and left the dining hall, not noticing the suspicious looks you received from your friends.

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