mishaps (request)

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requested by @bowseeeer14

Summary: Y/N Weasley is a prankster like her brothers, but what will happen when her "enemy," Draco Malfoy, falls for a prank that was meant for Pansy Parkinson?

Warnings: angst and fluff

House: any
Year: any

A/N: ty for requesting, hope you like it! also I changed up one tiny detail to fit the plot I hope u don't mind!


You were a prankster. It was in your blood. Your brothers—Fred and George, who were two years older than you—were notoriously known around Hogwarts for their schemes.

Of course, you being a Weasley wasn't enough to stop Draco Malfoy from smiling to himself whenever he heard your rather obnoxious laugh after you pranked someone, or the way he got butterflies in his stomach whenever he saw you smile.

Draco wasn't stupid. He already knew why he was experiencing these...symptoms. Though he wished otherwise, he knew that he liked you. He just didn't know if he should be harboring these feelings for you.

After all, you were a Weasley, and he was a Malfoy. You were meant to be rivals. That was all the reason he needed to keep his feelings to himself.

That didn't mean they had to stop, though.

He was perfectly good at keeping secrets.


You were currently on your way to breakfast with your best friend, Hermione. You had a smirk on your face as you carried a vial in your hand.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Hermione asked with an edge of apprehensiveness.

"Yes, I'm sure. Hermione, do you not want to get Pansy back for what she said to you last week?" you asked, raising your eyebrows. "This is just some innocent revenge, don't worry. Eye for an eye, you know? If she wants to be a bitch to my friends, I'll be one back."

You were planning to spike Pansy's pumpkin juice with a potion that would change her skin color to green, and you were more than excited to see the outcome.

"Alright, fine," Hermione sighed as you both walked into the Great Hall. "But you better not get house points taken away."

"It'd be worth it," you said, splitting from Hermione to head to the Slytherin table, missing the way she rolled her eyes at your response.

You finally made it to their table, standing behind Pansy as you hid the vial up your sleeve.

"Hey, Y/N," Blaise greeted from across the table with a kind smile. He was the only one out of Malfoy's friend group who was actually nice to you.

"Hey, Blaise," you replied, ignoring the way Pansy turned around and sneered at you. "I was just wondering if you could—"

You interrupted your own sentence with a loud, fake gasp. You looked to the right of you, acting as if you had seen something ridiculous at the entrance of the Great Hall. Malfoy's entire friend group—including Pansy—had fallen for your trick, turning their heads to where you were looking. While they were briefly distracted, you swiftly poured some of the potion into Pansy's goblet, smirking menacingly to yourself.

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