stand by me (request)

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requested by @DrReidcanhavemykids
(love the username btw😏)

Summary: Y/N is hurting. Draco, her best friend, is the only one that notices. He does everything he can to make her feel better.

Warnings: lots of angst, soft boi Draco, emotional abuse, super fluffy ending tho!

House: Slytherin
Year: 4

A/N: thanks for requesting! hope this is what u wanted. also if anyone else has a request feel free to message me lol👹


You were slipping away, isolating yourself, and Draco noticed. He noticed how you neglected to eat your food during meals. He noticed how you started pushing everyone away. How you started pushing him away.

No matter how much you were slipping away from him, he still noticed the pain you were in. And it hurt. It hurt to see his best friend in pain. It hurt to see the girl he loved with all his heart in pain.

He did love you, and not just in a "best friend" way. He wished he had the confidence to tell you. He wished he wasn't such a coward.

But that didn't matter. All he was focused on now was figuring out a way to help you.

Because he would give anything and everything to take away your pain.


You sat sulking by yourself at the Slytherin table, a few feet away from your friends who were conversing amongst themselves. You picked at your food with your fork, your head resting on your hand as you stared at nothing.

Today was the fourth day back at Hogwarts after Christmas break. Ever since you came back you've been pushing everyone away, even your best friend. You're home life wasn't the best right now, and you didn't want to burden anyone with your problems, especially Draco.

~ one week ago ~

"Y/N, why can't you fit into this dress? It fit just fine six months ago," your mother said as you both stood in front of your bedroom mirror.

She was attempting to zip up the tight dress that you were supposed to wear for the Christmas party your parents were hosting.

"Have you been eating too much at school?" She asked. "Do you not remember what I told you back in September?"

"I'm sorry, Mother, I-"

"No! I told you to watch what you eat and then you come back home with an extra ten pounds!"

"Mother, I've been careful with my eating, I swear! It's probably just puberty," you said.

"Don't argue with me, Y/N," your mother hissed as she walked over to your closet to try to find a dress that would fit you. "If you don't lose twenty pounds by the time you come home for Easter break, I'm not letting you attend Hogwarts anymore."

"What?! Mother, you can't!"

"That's just how it has to be. That place is ruining you," she said, handing you a different dress. "Now get dressed and hurry downstairs. And don't even think about eating dessert tonight."

The next thing you heard was your bedroom door slamming shut.

~ now ~

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