all alright (request)

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requested by @dracostylesluv

Summary: Draco sticks up for Y/N when she gets bullied.

Warnings: a bit of angst, kinda short, bullying, some fluff, crabbe & goyle being assholes, use of the m word😲

House: Slytherin
Year: 6

A/N: ty for requesting, hope you like it!


Being a muggle-born witch in Slytherin was not the easiest. Most of your house mates either avoided you or tormented you. For that reason, you tried to stick around the Gryffindors whenever you could. They never belittled you for your blood status.

The only Slytherin who didn't despise you was your boyfriend, Draco. He had fallen in love with you in Fourth Year, and—after a while of self-education—he completely changed his views on muggle-borns.

Unfortunately, Draco's old friends, Crabbe and Goyle, had kept their prejudiced beliefs.

Dinner had just ended. You were currently walking through the halls and on your way to your common room, and you were hoping that your tormenters wouldn't approach you before you could make it to your dorm.

Not to say your dorm mates were the nicest of people. They looked at you as though you were a repulsive insect, silently judging you only to talk about you behind your back whenever you left.

Of course, because of your hilariously bad luck, Goyle was headed straight towards you.

"Shit," you whispered under your breath.

You tried to pretend that you didn't see him, pivoting on your foot to walk the other way. This, however, was useless. As soon as you turned around, you were met with the sight of Crabbe standing right in front of you, just before he grabbed your biceps so you wouldn't be able to escape.

This gave Goyle enough time to approach the two of you, a menacing smirk on his immensely unattractive face.

"Please, leave me alone," you sighed, rolling your eyes as you tried to escape Crabbe's grip.

"Not gonna happen, mudblood," Goyle said, watching as Crabbe pushed you onto the ground.

You tried to grab your wand, only to have Goyle rip it from your hand as Crabbe pinned you to the floor.

At this point, you were wondering why the hell a professor or Prefect hasn't walked by yet.

Your chest started to heave as Goyle kneeled down beside you, but you still refused to cry. That would egg the boys on even further.

"You wanna know what happens to mudbloods?" Goyle said as he lifted up your shirt a bit to expose your stomach. He placed the tip of his wand against your skin and started to carve the letter "M."

You let out a scream, and just as Crabbe was about to cast a muffliato, you heard a thud and a grunt.

Draco had slammed his fist right into the side of Crabbe's head, making Crabbe fall over right onto the floor.

Goyle let go of you and looked at Draco with a horrified face. "Malfoy—"


Draco shot Goyle backwards into the wall before storming right up to him. He bashed his fist into his face repeatedly, presumably breaking his nose and jaw in the process.

"Draco!" you warned, not wanting him to get in trouble.

Draco roughly grabbed the collar of Goyle's shirt. "You touch her ever again, I'll fucking kill you. Understand?"

"Y-yes," Goyle coughed out.

With that, Draco harshly let go of Goyle, who hurriedly sprinted off. Shocked, you looked to Draco, who's chest was heaving. He quickly walked up to you and gently grabbed your forearms.

He inspected your face and spoke softly, "Darling, are you alright?"

You flashed him a closed-lip smile and nodded your head yes.

"What did they do to you?"

You lifted up your shirt a bit to show Draco the "M" that was carved into your stomach, and you noticed his jaw clench as he stared at it.

"Bloody hell, come on. Let's get you up to my dorm."

Once you had made it to Draco's Prefect dorm, he shut the door behind him and you sat down on his bed. He quickly went into the bathroom and returned with some kind of healing balm in his hand.

He sat down next to you and gestured to your shirt, "Is it alright if I—"

You laughed quietly, "Yes."

He nodded, carefully lifting up the bottom of your shirt to expose the cut on your stomach.

"Your hand," you gasped as you noticed his bloodied knuckles.

"Don't worry, love," he said, smiling softly. "I can fix it with a quick spell."

You snickered. "Mhm."

Draco rolled his eyes playfully and carefully applied the balm to your cut. "I mean, I might be able to. But if I can't, Madam Pomfrey can, alright? No need to worry about me, love."

You sighed at his selflessness, watching as he finished applying the balm and softly pulled your shirt back down.

"Thank you," you whispered, your lips curving into a small smile.

He placed a soft kiss to your lips, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear and stroking your cheekbone. "You're welcome, dear."


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