about last night

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Summary: Draco wakes up in Y/N's bed, but leaves before she wakes up. Y/N wakes up with no memory of the night before, until she suddenly remembers during class. There's just one problem: Y/N has a boyfriend.

Warnings: cheating, angst, swearing, flashbacks of sex (not too detailed), mentions of underage drinking

House: Slytherin
Year: 7

A/N: just a FYI, the flashback is in bold italics. Voldemort doesn't exist in this imagine & Draco is normal and happy & just pretend Prefects have their own bedrooms lol. also this is like kinda long sorry hehe


You and Draco slept soundly, your unclothed bodies tangled up in a mess of blankets and bedsheets as the morning sun peeked its way through your Prefect bedroom window. Draco was awoken by the sun's rays beaming onto his eyes.

He slowly sat up, tiredly rubbing his eyes. Grimacing, he brought his hand up to his forehead and rubbed it. His head was pounding and his eye bags were visible as a result of his hangover. He looked to his right and his eyes widened as he saw you cuddled up in the blanket, your face smushed into your pillow. You were still fast asleep.

You and Draco have been best friends since your first year, when you were both sorted into Slytherin. People at Hogwarts envied your close friendship, some even intimidated by you two. Everyone knew that the two of you were head-over-heels in love with each other. It was obvious. The only people that didn't know you two were in love with each other were you and Draco. Besides, you had a boyfriend, an attractive Ravenclaw named Thomas Greene, who had surprisingly approved of you and Draco's friendship. You were happy with Thomas... right? At least, that's what you always told yourself.

Not knowing what to do, Draco sat there for a moment, staring at you in shock. Of course, he had very clearly remembered the previous night. In fact, he remembered everything, but he was still shocked to say the least. You were best friends. How the fuck did you end up in bed together? You had a boyfriend, for Merlin's sake.

It was the damn fire whiskey. He remembered how you two were drunk off your asses when you finally tore each other's clothes off and hopped into bed together. Much to his surprise (considering how much alcohol he had consumed the night before), he remembered almost every detail.

Draco finally recollected himself after a moment. He swiftly got up from your bed and put on his clothes, making sure not to wake you up in the process. He wanted to leave quickly, thinking it would be awkward if you were to both be awake at the same time. He would normally be fine with confrontation, but not in this particular scenario.

After all his clothes were back on, he quickly fixed his hair with his hands before finally speed walking out the door and heading to his own Prefect bedroom, wanting to freshen up before class, still hungover. He cursed himself for letting the two of you get shit-faced drunk on a Monday night.


You were awoken by the irritating sound of your alarm clock. You groaned and slammed your hand on the top of it, the sound definitely not helping your pounding headache. You prayed that you would be able to make it through today's classes.

You had lifted up your blanket, revealing your naked and exposed body. You didn't remember going to sleep naked last night. As a matter of fact, the only thing you remembered from last night was drinking fire whiskey with Draco. Merlin, why the bloody hell did we drink on a school night? You thought.

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