stubborn (request)

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requested by @DavinaSinclair12

Summary: Y/N is sick, but doesn't want to admit it. Draco notices, and when she finally throws up, he takes care of her.

Warnings: vomiting lol, lots of fluff, just tons of cuteness

House: Slytherin
Year: 6 (no Voldy🥳)

A/N: ty for requesting, hope u like it! also guys I will be making a part 2 to "Heather" bc A LOT of y'all wanted it lmao


You woke up to the annoying sound of your alarm, slamming your hand on it to stop the noise. You rubbed your eyes and finally sat up in bed. You stared blankly at nothing for a moment, like you usually do when you wake up.

You finally stood up from your bed and immediately felt dizzy and bit nauseous. Your eyes widened and you had to grab your bedside table to steady yourself. You didn't think anything of it, just blaming it on the fact that you simply needed to eat breakfast.

You hurried to get ready, wanting to see your boyfriend, Draco. You were going to meet him in the common room this morning to walk to breakfast together, as you did every morning. Then, you would walk together to your classes, seeing as you conveniently had the same schedule.

You slowly walked down the stairs to the common room, something in your body feeling off. You chose to ignore it, however.

You smiled when you spotted Draco standing by one of the couches, and he smiled back at you when he saw you approaching him.

He engulfed you in a warm hug and buried his face in your neck. "Good morning, darling."

"Good morning," you yawned into his shoulder.

As you were hugging him, you suddenly felt dizzy again. You didn't see it, but Draco's face etched into one of concern when you leaned even more into him and gripped his shirt for balance.

"Woah, love. You alright there?" He asked, concern lacing his voice as he held you.

You lightly pulled away from him, you heart melting at his soft, worried eyes. He cared so much for you, and you were truly grateful that you had a boyfriend as amazing as him.

"I'm fine, Dray. Just need some breakfast. You know how damn clumsy I get when I'm hungry," you laughed. He didn't laugh. Instead, he was giving you a look that told you he was still concerned.

"Babe, seriously, I'm fine. Now, come on, we're going to be late to breakfast," you smiled, grabbing Draco's hand and leading him out of the common room, ignoring his worried face.


At breakfast, Draco was keeping a very close eye on you. The incident this morning caused him to go into protective mode, and now he was scared to take his eyes off of you. It didn't help ease his worries when you picked at your food, looking like you didn't have an appetite.

"Y/N/N, you gotta eat."

"Right, sorry, I was just zoning out," you mumbled. You started to eat the food, despite the fact that it was making you even more nauseous. You kept eating, though. You didn't want to worry Draco even more.

"Darling, are you sure you're alright? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine, love, seriously," you lied. You knew something was wrong, but you were too stubborn to admit it. You absolutely hated being sick, and you didn't want to burden Draco, either.

He sighed, still not convinced that you were okay. He was starting to consider just taking you and dragging your ass to the hospital wing.

Before you knew it, breakfast was over and it was time to head to your first class. As soon as you stood up, you felt vomit travel up your throat and your eyes widened. You covered your mouth, your eyes frantically searching for the garbage can.

"Y/N?" Draco followed you as you speed-walked to a garbage can. You hunched over it and threw up, ignoring the surprised gasps coming from fellow students.

Draco's eyes widened and he rushed to your aid, holding your hair with one hand as he rubbed your back with the other.

"Shh, that's it, darling. Just let it out," he said softly, continuing to rub your back.

You eventually stopped, standing up straight and wiping your mouth. "Well, that sucked."

"I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey now, and that's final," Draco insisted, placing his hand on your back. "Come on, love."


Draco walked you both to the hospital wing. He had a tight hold on you the entire time, making sure you wouldn't lose your balance.

Madam Pomfrey gave you a healing potion that would help and told you that you could go back to your dorm. She instructed you to get lots of rest and that eating soup would also help. You were confused as to why she thought soup would help after you threw up, but you decided not to question it.

Thankfully, she said it wasn't serious enough for you to stay in the hospital wing. Draco then brought you back to your dorm and helped you into your bed.

"I'll be right back, darling," he said, kissing your forehead before leaving your dorm.

About fifteen minutes later, Draco came back with a fluffy blanket, some soup, and a book. You smiled and lightly chuckled at the way he was struggling to carry everything.

"Shit," he cursed as he dropped the book, making you laugh harder.

He smiled when he saw you laughing. He was glad that although he couldn't stop you from being sick, his small action alone made you feel a bit better.

He crouched by your bed with the soup in his hand. He opened it, dipping the spoon in and holding it by your mouth.

"Here, love. Have some."

"What if-"

"Please just eat the soup."

"But I-"

"Eat the damn soup, Y/N."

"Fine," you huffed, rolling your eyes.

He smiled as you took the spoon in your mouth. "I love you, you know."

You swallowed the soup and sighed in defeat. "I love you, too," you gave in, unable to contain your smile at how sweet your boyfriend was.

After Draco had fed you a few more spoonfuls of the soup, he grabbed the book and the blanket and laid next to you in your bed. He covered the both of you with the blanket and wrapped an arm around you. With his free hand, he held the book and opened it to the first page. He kissed your forehead before he finally started reading to you.

And that's how the two of you spent the day. His arm wrapped around you as he read to you in a gentle voice, the sound of rain hitting your dorm window creating a perfect and calming background noise.

You eventually fell asleep, and Draco placed the book on your bedside table. He finally wrapped his free arm around you and kissed the top of your head.

"Goodnight, love," he whispered before he, too, fell asleep.


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