please read!!! <3

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hello fellow draco simps

so, I've noticed a few of you guys commenting about your hardships at home or just problems in general,

so I just wanted to let you guys know that if ANY of you ever need someone to talk to or rant to or if you need advice, I'm always here. please message me if you need anything. trust me, I know life can really fucking suck sometimes and if you just need to talk to someone who's your age (and not your parents lmao) I'm here for y'all. or if you just simply wanna talk to me about your day or even talk about how hot draco is and shit, you have a friend in me. I got a shit ton of issues myself lmao so I might even be able to empathize.

in conclusion:

I'm FAR from a therapist, but just know that you can always talk to me if you need anything. mental health is important.

girls support girls❤️

- evie

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