Training with All Might!

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-{ Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistence hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.}-

'I feel something bad that's about to happen soon... I'm sure it's something to do with Villain Midoriya... that probably means that the clips will be over soon.... we need to be prepared to fight him and go back to the UA theatre. Problem Child better be alright. I wonder if the rest of the staff and students know what's happening and where we are.... it would be illogical to state that time is stopped where they are but it's not exactly impossible when quirks exist...' Aizawa think to himself. 

"So should we list down all the values we've got so far..?" Ojirou says, gesturing to Momo. 

"um-yeah I think!" Momo stammers out, "So the first one since we've come here was...."

"Friendship and Teamwork! We watched the clip from Nabu Island!" Kaminari exclaimed! 

"And was that really sad universe! The one where All Might got killed! That Deku was asking questions and it represented..... support-? No- no! It was Trust!" Uraraka rambled. 

"Friendship, Teamwork, Trust and..." Momo said, writing it down. 

"Midoriya vs Gentle Criminal. He was set on stopping him and La Brava in disrupting the Culture Festival; if I remember correctly, the value was Determination."

"In conclusion, the clip watched just now was High Hopes, therefore the meaning was Hope!" Iida exclaimed. 

"Alright, so our values so far are Friendship, Teamwork, Trust, Determination and Hope. Since we theorized that Villain Deku is able to trap us in this abyss, and be able to communicate with us in the first place is via Midoriya's mind, I think it's possible that Midoriya is the one who is trying to tell us about these values. After all, the villain is him in a way, so Midoriya should know him the best. If Midoriya is trying to tell us these values, then I'm sure that these are how we're going to be able to defeat the villain." Yaomomo concludes.

"Agreed." Jirou said, rolling up her sleeves, "I have a feeling that the battles gonna come soon so we better think about how we can use the values!" 

"We'll discuss potential tactics after, the screen is flickering." Eraserhead grumbles, secretly proud of his class' leadership and maturity. 

"Anyway, why am I dragging trash at the beach park?" a skinny Midoriya says, rubbing his hands on his arms, indicating he's cold. 

"It's because, you know, you're not a proper vessel!" All Might says, crouching, whilst taking a picture of Midoriya in the sand. 

"Vessel-? What vessel? And why is Deku-kun it?" Uraraka asked. 

"More importantly, WHY IS ALL MIGHT THERE?! Deku doesn't look like how he was at the beginning of the year, I mean, no offense dude, but look at how skinny he is!" Sero exclaimed. 

"I know right, dude!" Kaminari cried out

"The damn nerd is probably training for UA's entrance exam. Plus, you extras know how close All Might and the nerd are! Why are you surprised they knew eachother before UA?!" Bakugou growled, successfully switching the topic away from Deku being a vessel. 

"What you're saying now is the complete opposite of what you said before! Ahhhhhhhh!" Midoriya says, comedic tears in his eyes, before he turns to face the sand in a defeated position. 

"Pfft- hahahahhaha!" Jirou says, holding a hand to her mouth but failing at stifling her laughter. 

"Midoriya is so dramatic." Todoroki says bluntly, but his lips move upwards slightly to indicate a smile.

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