Interchange of Morality

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This is a filler-chapter which is important to the plot! Also this is my first time writing a fighting scene XD.

Gulping at the sight of someone like her best friend, Uraraka shifted into a fighting stance, and reminded herself that this wasn't her Deku.

No, this was just another Alternative Universe.

"You heroes are so naive, I suppose they're like that in all universes. I just don't understand" his toxic-green eyes glimmer predatory "Why does hero me have to be the main universe? Why are all the universes, such as my own, effected by a foolish, ignorant little brat like him? Someone blinded by the hero industry! What gives your universe the right to control ours!?"

His voice growing increasingly loud, Villain Deku abruptly charged forward and took out his knife. Twirling, he prepared to stab Tsu in the shoulder, only to have Iida charge forward and swing the frog girl away.

Their eyes meet, one in relief and the other in gratitude, but one message was clear: Teamwork.

Not phased at all, Villain Deku simply takes out another knife and darts it towards Todoroki, Mineta, Momo and Kaminari. Sending an ice-berg that blocked the knife, the team got into their plan.

Mineta charged towards the villain, earning a roll-of-an-eye from said male at the stupidity of such a decision, throwing his purple orbs in his direction in which V! Deku simply dodged. Distracted by the sticky traps, Kaminari regulated a touch of 70 volts and grabbed onto the greenette, having Todoroki's ice encase his legs and Momo to throw a net on top of him.

The group smiled with satsification, body still tense as Villain Deku seemingly kicked apart the ice and ripped apart the net.


"W-what? I shocked you with 70-volts! That should've been lethal!" Kaminari exclaimed, eyes still trained on the enemy, lightning sparking up the darkness.

"Despite what you believe, I am not the least foolish. You didn't think I wouldn't prepare electricity-proof clothing would you?" the man smiled smugly, gesturing with his hands.

"Bring it on, you hero wannabes."

The students do not falter, and carry on with their strategies.

Uraraka floats Mina and Sero upwards, Sero's tape attached to Mina to keep her in control. Mina shoots down shots of acid from height and in stealth, but V!Deku detects it and dodges, sending a few knives towards their direction, in which Sato manages to pull Mina away and Kirishima blocking the knives from hitting the rest on ground. Despite their plan not working, they do not show despair.


Eraserhead uses his quirk on the villain, his capture weapon latching onto the male's leg and swings him across the black pit. There's nothing to latch onto the weapon and the villain has a knife, bad match-up.

V!Deku picks himself up effortlessly, clothes not scruffed up in the slightest.

"You know, I've always admired you Eraserhead. A hero who did not care for any of the luxuries of a hero, and one that essentially fights quirkless? You were a huge inspiration to me growing up."

Blinking, Eraserhead realised that the villain was not effected by his quirk at all, and mixed with the universes he had seen and the fact that the green-haired male had just talked about being inspired as a quirkless person, he decided on the assumption that this villain was quirkless and did not waste the effort to keep his quirk in use.

"Am I supposed to feel grateful for that?" Eraserhead snarked, catching a knife that was thrown to him and jumping in close to stab the villain, only for the grenette to dodge, throwing a hand back to throw a punch at Aizawa, only to get punched back by Toru, who was in close range.

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