(S) He used to be mine~

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A/N: Hi guys, I'm back with a chap! Sorry for the longgg wait, motivation has been a bit...yikes. Firstly, THANKS SOSOSOSOSOS MUCH TO MY FRIEND ASTRO FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS ONE! You're one of my most favorite people online EVER, and you really helped me manage to do this! Thank you!

This cover gives me the melodic vibes I wanted in this chapter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BRPw9skC8M

Without further ado, let's go~!


Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Multiverse found: "He used to be mine."

"Oh, this sounds slightly different than the usual universes." Shoji wonders, "The ones we usually see are about pain, betrayal, hurt all that stuff, but this one...it seems like...mourning. "

"Guess we'll see." Tsuyu dismisses, when suddenly an earth-quaking shudder echoes in the meadows.

"Sh*t, there's nowhere to shelter!" Gran Torino cursed, scanning the area for typical places one would hide under during an earthquake; there was none. Beautiful, peaceful grasses and bushes, roses and thorns met his gaze, pleasantly still despite the shaking.

Then, as soon as it had come, the shaking disappeared.

"Was that- was that an earthquake?" Kota asked, cracking open his tightly shut eyes. "Can this place even have earthquakes?"

No one had an answer.


"Iida." Todoroki spoke, quiet and simple, yet it broke the silence into fragments of glass. Tenya jumped up, and swivelled round to face his friend.


Ice-blue and glacous grey softened, and Tenya stiffened at the change.

Why did his eyes look concerned? Nothing was wrong.

"Are you okay, Iida?"


Well, yes- he was okay. Nothing was wrong.


"Why would I not be? I am of great health and-"

"You're doing it again." Shoto interrupts, and his gaze is intense. Deep with a sense of regret, of frustration. "Just like before Hosu; you're denying your own feelings. You don't have to be strong all the time, Iida."

And so he broke.

"I'm such a hypocrite." Tenya laughed, tears springing up in the corner of his eyes, "I told Uraraka-chan to trust in Midoriya, and hope that he will confide in us one day. Yet...when I see that there is a possibility Midoriya-kun could've become...become a monster like Stain." Iida spat, tears rolling down his face, "It scares me. How little I really know about our friend. He tries to help all of us so much and yet..." Tenya sobs, and Shoto- with little knowledge on what to do- puts a reassuring hand on the taller male's shoulder.

"It'll be okay. We'll learn and appreciate Midoriya; bit by bit, piece by piece, no matter how many shards there are."

Suddenly, an earth-quaking shudder shatters the moment, and they quickly think of going back to the rest of their friends and teachers; with a puff of smoke, they were back.

"What happened?" Tenya asked, rubbing the last of the tears from his slightly red-rimmed eyes.

His friends politely didn't poke him about it, and informed him of the situation.

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