5 times 1A catch Aizawa singing and said nothing and 1 time they joined

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A/N: I so did not start writing this during my 1-hour break from studying :D

Anyways, this was requested! The author of the fic they'll be reacting to is the same as the title, on AO3, by Tsalty, and here is the link to their fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28966503/chapters/71082540

There will be a little spoiler to do with Shirakumo Oboro/ Kurogiri, so if you don't want to know about that just yet please skip from "The class knew the moment their..." to "Aizawa walked out then..."

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!


Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Multiverse found: 5 times 1-A catch Aizawa singing and said nothing, and 1 time they joined in.

"Holy cow, that's a longer title than 'I'm taking a bus to the other side of the world, cya!'" Kaminari laughs, Jirou chuckling alongside him.

"Sounds interesting though, not gonna lie." Jirou adds, stretching her arms.

"Alrighty, stop the chit-chat! Let's start!" Hatsume cheers, going back to her seat.

"Shota singing..? Oh, this will be good!" Hizashi laughs, earning a glare from Aizawa.

Class 1A was hardly ever caught off guard. After all, living with a stoic teacher that too much joy in testing out their situational awareness at any given moment during the day does that to a person. So imagine their surprise when Jirou fell out of her chair out of nowhere.

"Well, I mean- I'd be pretty shocked about that too!" Kirishima grinned, scratching his cheek

Now, it's not the falling that startled them, no. It's what she said next:

"Oh, shit someone is singing!" She whispered. Everyone froze and stared at her like she's mad. Iida took a look around and counted 20 heads: five on the couch, two in the kitchen, six at the coffee table, and the rest were scattered around the common room. It couldn't possibly be one of them.

"It's Aizawa-sensei!" The class chorused at similar times.

"Everyone is here though." Iida frowned.

They started asking her if she just heard wrong when she interrupted them again.

"Shhhh!" She hissed. "I'm trying to hear!" The class stayed absolutely silent for a few seconds, watching as the earphone jack girl's expression went from confusion to utter surprise with a hint of amusement.

"If I'm not going crazy, that's Aizawa-Sensei singing!" She whispered.

"Girl are you high?" Mina asked with actual concern.

Bakugou snorted, as Mina nodded in agreement to her other self currently on screen.

"Other me is not high, Mina." Jirou deadpanned, despite the fact Mina hadn't said anything. Mina drooped in acceptance.

"No, I'm serious come!" Jirou gestured for them to follow her as the group slowly crept up the stairs despite Iida's protest. The group walked toward their teacher's room, followed by a reluctant yet curious Iida, crowding the hallway. They stopped and kneeled around the door to his room while still making sure they could get the hell out of there if he caught them and assumed they were snooping around. They don't need another month of detention thank you very much.

Into the Dekuverseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें