Into the Theatre

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Edited: 27/3/22


Third Person POV

Hatsume catches an unconscious Deku, struggling slightly.

"What the f*ck, you extra!? What the f*ck are you doing to the nerd!?" Katsuki exclaims, bursting out from the corner

"Ah! Random boy who knows Midoriya!" Mei cheered, completely unphased. 

"It's Bakugou, the future Number One hero, you EXTRA." The blonde growled, irritated at the lack of recognition. 

"Yeah, yeah- Bakugou, help me carry Midoriya."


"Are you going to leave Midoriya unconscious, so I can drag him across the floor? That's gotta hurt when he's awake."

"Tch, it's not like I care. Remember I'm only doing this, because I'm not going to get in trouble for 'turning a blind eye to those in need'." the blonde grumbled, heaving the grenette into his arms. 

"Whatever excuse, you can carry him."

*like this but in UA uniform*

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

*like this but in UA uniform*

Not a Bkdk scene, just good friends. 

Bursting into the classroom, Hatsume says, "Alright class 1-A, please come with me! I have a surprise! I've already got permission from Principle Nezu so let's gooooooo!"

"Wait, Hatsume, where's Deku?" Uraraka questioned, suspicion lingering in her eyes. 

"Haha... ummm, I may or may not have knocked him unconscious but don't worry! You'll see him soon! Just come with me!"

"You did WHAT!?" Mina yells, completely ignored. 

"Hush, hush, let's go!"

"Whatever..." a certain tired teacher mutters.

In the UA theatre.

Eri, Kota, the Big Three, class 1-A, some of class 1-B, All Might, Mr Aizawa, Midnight, Cementoss, Nezu, Kamui Woods, Power loader, Recovery girl, Thirteen, Hound Dog, Ectoplasm, Snipe, Gran Torino and Mount Lady are all there.

"H-hatsume, why is Deku strapped to that weird chair thingy?" someone in the crowd asks, verbally expressing the general question.

"Ah, he's fine, he's fine." Mei brushes off, not even properly answering the question.


"Anyways! This machine can access different multiverses of the person strapped into the chair, so that's what we're doing today! I checked some of the multiverses' information and apparently some of them are disappearing, because Midoriya no longer feels some of the emotions that created the multiverses. Therefore, I thought we should check them out before they die! Just saying beforehand that all these multiverses are made from an emotion Midoriya has felt at SOME point in his life." Hatsume finishes

"This will be a great opportunity for all future heroes, and current heroes to help with pupil's mental states, information to prevent accidents and tragedies that have occurred in other universes, and it's also a great break for everyone because we've all worked so hard this year! Some of them will have sensitive topics so anyone who wishes to, can go to the resting room! Now before we start, any questions?" the principal asks. 

"Yes! Principle Nezu, does this not count as invading Midoriya's privacy?" Tenya asked, always one to be cautious. 

"Hatsume, have you asked Midoriya?" Nezu asks. 

"Yup! He volunteered to do it!" Hatsume cheers, a respectful smile on her face. 

Needless to say, she is not the most convincing. 

"Well, let's watch the first multiverse!"

Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Multiverse found

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