I'm taking a bus to the other side of the world: cya!

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Multiverse found: I'm taking a bus to the other side of the world: cya!

"That is one long title-" Kaminari says. 

"Let's get this over with then... Yamada, still taking notes on facial expressions and gestures?" Aizawa mumbles. 

"No problem, Shou, I got this." Yamada cheers. 

I'm getting on the bus to the other world, see ya!

"This, once again, seems a bit too ecstatic.." Jirou says.

From all this, Class 1-A truly have learnt something. Not just that cliche stereotypes are wrong about depression, but also about the small expressions, flicker of emotion and signs of depression. 

Sure, they haven't noticed these on their own Midoriya (which is relieving). 

However, that doesn't mean Aizawa hasn't noticed some hints of past signs of trauma and mistreatment he had previously missed (and how shameful that was to the hero).

It's safe to say that Izuku Midoriya's past hides more topics than he would like to reveal. 

 I can't count the lives I ruined when I was young,

 I'd smile as I bury another life before heading home

"I don't understand..? Was Deku-kun a bad person?" Uraraka asks, worry spread across her face. 

"That nerd? Nah, no way! He was like- the most friendly brat around- "

"Bakugou, you're saying it like you weren't a child yourself." Iida states, stealing Aizawa's words. 

"Look at the impact you have own your children, Shota." Nemuri whispers, snickering a bit

Aizawa grunts in fake annoyance, not able to restrain from the smirk that breaks across his face, as he puts thought towards the phrase 'his kids'. 

 Looking back now, I should've been the first one to die.

 So cheerful despite the gloomy atmosphere I've lost my will to live

"I suppose that in this universe, Midoriya wasn't the... best of people and therefore caused suffering to many. However, once he realised his mistake, perhaps feeling mistreatment himself, he started to feel guilty and hate himself." Momo suggests, Nezu agreeing on the part. 

"That makes sense, I guess !" Koda says, quietly. 

 Life is just needlessly long 

Nothing but meaningless wrinkles and creases 

"It's extremely unhealthy to think like this. I don't suppose he realises that he has a chance to repay his mistakes- everyone makes mistakes after all! I think this universe represents Midoriya's guilt." Iida states

"Well, that isn't very good. That just means that every time the kid feels guilty, he ends up hating himself for his mistakes." Hawks says, revealing his presence. 


"Well, looks like we need to do some extra training on awareness of surroundings." Nezu says, a glint in his eyes as he sips his tea. 

'Oh no-' 

"Uhhhhhhhhh." Aizawa mutters, sinking into his scarf. Yup, he had noticed Hawks too, but he was seriously not up for extra training with his kids. 

 My heart pointlessly laments this hopeless take on life 

Spitting out ideals that just hurt my ears! 

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