Harrowing History

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A/N: Hello my Plus Ultra people! Just a notice, apologies for those who have to re-read this from my other works, but all my fics will now have an update schedule of once every two weeks! This is because I have four ongoing fics, and it is unfair to those audiences for my random schedules because I've been updating whichever fic I feel as I go along! This needs to change!

Anyways, this is a chapter from my Deku One-shots With Angst (a year old chapter now!), and requested by Iamhere_123 on AO3! Thanks so much for your support! 

Be sure to tell me if you guys enjoy the crew reacting to my own angsty fanfics <33

Warning: mentions of bullying, verbal insulting/taunting, suicide-baiting (memory of) and breakdown. Please proceed with caution.


Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Multiverse found: Harrowing History

"Let's get started!" Uraraka pumped a fist to the air, cheering as another universe flickered to life.

"Alright hellspawns, listen up." Aizawa grunted, watching in satsificatory as the class cascaded into silence.

5 seconds faster than the beginning of the year- quite remarkable.

"Wow! Are they really like that in reality, Sho?" Nemuri clapped her hands together, glancing to the class smirk in pride. 

"Well, I guess they have." Aizawa shrugged, hiding his impressed grin underneath his capture weapon. 

Kayama lunged in to ruffle Shota's hair, much to the man's annoyance, but reluctant acceptance. 

"Gosh, you must be so satisfied with your kids under the 'I'm all logic, not ecstatic' cover." Midnight snickered, earning a half-hearted glare from Eraser. 

"In order to let UA students understand the importance of civilian opinions and how they would feel when they are to be treated, rescued etc, UA has invited a class from the local high school Horinaska High. Please be on your best behaviour and treat them with respect."

"Yes sensei!" the class chorused.

"Alright, head to Gym Gamma."

"Ah, sounds like a very educational exercise! I would love to confront such a task myself." Tenya stated, lifting his head up in challenge. 

"Indeed, it does." Shoto agreed, smiling a bit at his friend's relentless drive. 

He was glad that that motivation was going to good causes. 


"Class 1-T of Horinaska High, please, come in." Aizawa says, after opening the door of Gym Gamma and allowing them to come in.

"Thank you, Aizawa-sir! We are thrilled that UA has allowed us the pleasure to come to it's premises!" a man in a plum-purple suit said (which, ew-), flashing a smug smile. 

"Ugh, Aizawa-sensei is right when he says that that purple suit is absolutely revolting!" Mina dramatically gagged, squeezing her eyes shut. 

"That's a lot to say from someone with fashion tastes like you, Racoon Eyes." Bakugou teased, earning an offended gasp. 

"Says you, Blasty! I've never seen you wear anything but a T-shirt and your hero costume, and half the time it gets burnt off anyways!" Ashido teased right back, earning a confident grin in reply. 

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