Stereo Hearts

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Heya everyone! free to check out my other work 'Deku One-shots with ANGST' to read the Deku Birthday special! I didn't have the time to write a Deku-birthday-special chapter on this work though- sorry! TvT

Additionally, feel free to check out this vid I made about Deku AUS, which the MHA Crew will be reacting to, since this is a Dekuverse story after all:

(I am so sorry how did I end up not posting a chap on this for like two weeks, what happened to my one chap a week schedule-)

"Next universe starting!" Hatsume exclaimed, leaning against her seat. Mr Million was stronger than she thought! And... he also understood what it felt like to be 'weird'... maybe it was possible to be friends with people who understood her, and didn't find her annoying, afterall...

Hatsume didn't think too much of it though; after all, even if it did hurt, wasn't it better to just let it go and not waste her life on things like that?

No one had told her otherwise anyways.

Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Searching for multiverse...

Multiverse found: Stereo Hearts.

Pairs of eyes perked up in interest, as music started playing.

"My hearts a stereo"

Hero Deku

"It beats for you, so listen close"

Kid Deku and Support Course Izuku

"Ooooo, I like this one! We could make so many babies together!" Mei awed, with Iida and Uraraka snickering at the reaction of their peers and teachers, who were all shocked.

"Hear my thoughts in every note, oh oh"

Police force Izuku

"Make me your radio"

Cafe Worker Izuku

"This Deku looks really nice!" Eri chirped, with Kota reluctantly agreeing- Deku was cool, he wanted him to look even cooler!

"Turn me up when you feel low"

Professor/Teacher Izuku

"He looks more professional than most of you." Aizawa said bluntly to his colleagues, to which Yamada let out an offended 'Hey!' and Nemuri calling him a hypocrite.

"This melody was meant for you"

Singer Deku

"Just sing along to my stereoGym Class Hero, baby!"

Siren/Merman Deku

"Ohhh, the lyrics kind of connect to the alternative universe too! The siren Midoriya said 'sing along to my stereo' which is kind of showing that he's trying to convince some person to come into the ocean!" Momo analysed, with Kaminari nodding in renewed understanding.

"If I was just another dusty record on the shelf"

Secret Singer Deku

"This one seems interesting, kero." Tsuyu commented.

"Indeed, I think it's Midoriya singing on the internet, but hiding his identity." Shoji added in.

Into the DekuverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon