See You Again

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A/N: Hi everyoneeeee! TYSM for all the support <3 and so sorry for the lack of update! I didn't realise I haven't uploaded in over 20 days! School has been just overall stress-inducing- thanks for waiting! This was a request from... wow so long ago @TobeYEET 

Searching for Multiverse....

Searching for Multiverse...

Searching for Multiverse...

Multiverse found: See You Again 

"If I'm completely honest, I will be content as long as I know Midoriya is safe in front of me." Ojiou notted, furry tail wrapping around his waist. 

"The darkness only embraces me in agreement." Tokoyami chided, crossing his hands. 


"'zashi, shut up"

"-steners, let's get on with it!" Present Mic bellowed, leaning against his best friend and swinging his hands in the air. 

"'zashi your hair is in my face." Aizawa complained, shoving the other male off of him. 

Little Midoriya and his mother play around, and then they both settle down to watch All Might's debut video. 

"It's been a long day... without you, my friend"

Droplets of rain trickle down Midoriya's tilted verdant hair, and the screen pans to Deku and All Might having a, seemingly, serious and intense conversation, the rays of the setting sun illuminating both. 

A selective few frown at the scene, curious but more-so concerned at the scene. 

"And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again"

The scene changes to a heavily bandaged All Might struggling to keep himself up right, leaning against the wall, still in his muscular form. 

"All Might!" Class 1-A yelp, turning around to look at their teacher, only receiving a dismissing shake instead. Reluctantly, most turn back, though a few students' gazes linger on the former Number One hero. 

"We've come a long way from where we began"

Deku standing on a rooftop, staring to the distance in determination, while All Might jumps through the sky, his reflection skimming across the iconic panels of UA's windows.

"Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again"

Deku clenching his fist on a hospital bed, with All Might next to him. 

"Oi All Might, when the f*ck did you get injured enough to be in hospital, with the damn nerd?" Bakugou grumbled, his gaze almost piercing, even to All Might. 

"Ah, it was after the USJ incident, Young Bakugou!" Toshinori claimed, which made Aizawa flinch just the littlest bit. Yamada and Nemuri shared a concerned look, before being extra clingy to Shota- Eraser would not admit that he appreciated the gesture.

"When I see you again"

All Might and Deku hug while Deku bawls, the grip on All Might's shirt increasing. 

The audience's hearts lurch in their chest. 

"What happened to Deku..?" Uraraka muttered, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. 

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