"The question is why?"

"Exactly!" She exclaimed. She looked scared. So I assured her that we will figure something out.

"Even after Nikhil Ahuja and the Oberoi's have such a good relationship, why would Nikhil fight with Sameera? I can't understand." I told her.

"Hmm!" She replied.

"What hmm? Aren't you surprised? Why would he do that?"

"Bhai let's forget it. Infact I didn't want to do business with him. So, just let's forget this happened."

"No. I wanted this deal Kavya. And I will ask Sameera what's the matter!" I said going out of the door.

But Kavya stopped me.

"No Bhai don't!"

"Why? It's not a small thing Kavya!" I told her.

"I know but don't ask her anything." She said fearfully not looking at me.

"Why not? And why are you scared as if you are hiding something. Are you?" I asked her.

"No!" She instantly said.

"I don't think so. What is it Kavya? Tell me."

"You wouldn't want to know."

"Kavya." I warned her.

"Umm bhai actually after...after Sameera and.... let's forget it Bhai!"

"Kavya this is the last time I am asking you."

"After around 3 months of your break up with Sameera, she came to me to invite us for....she married Nikhil Ahuja!" She said in a breath.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Yes bhai!" She said guiltily.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Yes Bhai, she is Nikhil Ahuja's wife!"

I felt a weird pang in my chest. How can this be true? How can Sameera marry him?

Was he the same person she cheated on with?

"She was just twenty then!" I told Kavya.

"I know bhai. I asked her as well. She just said everything happened too soon!"

"Why didn't you tell?"

"I didn't want to see you heartbroken!"

"You shouldn't have had hide it from me!"

She looked down not meeting my eyes.

I ignored it.

Nikhil is Sameera's husband.

How can this be true? It can't be true.

I shook my head and opened my laptop and searched 'Nikhil Ahuja and Sameera Oberoi' on google and there were so many pictures of them from their wedding all over the internet. How could I not know?

How could I not know Sameera has got married?

"You don't use social media! So, it was easy for me to hide from you!" Kavya said.

I can't believe my own sister hide something like this from me.

Now everything made sense. Why Kavya was surprised when I told her about my meeting with Nikhil? Why Sameera wasn't surprised like I was when Nikhil talked?

But what didn't made sense was why would he want me to fire Sameera then, if she is his wife. Why would Sameera want to work in this small job?

But this is not what I am concerned about right now. She is married! That's all I care about.

Broken HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora