Chapter 11 (Past)

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5 years ago

Sameera's P. O. V.

"Where is Dad?" I asked Tanu, my Dad's manager as I went inside his cabin.

"He is busy Ma'am." Came her reply.

"Busy doing what? " I demanded.

"Ma'am he is in a meeting with the Ahujas for some project in conference room no. 2" She responded making sure to give me the complete information this time.

Wait what! With the Ahujas! That means Nikhil Ahuja! I couldn't control my happiness listening that. But what does she mean by Ahujas! There's only only one Ahuja. Nikhil Ahuja. Then why has she said Ahujas.

"It should be Ahuja I guess. " I stated to her hoping it to be a grammatical mistake.

"Yes ma'am," she agreed. "He is in a meeting with Nikhil Ahuja."

Oh my God, Nikhil! It's been so long I haven't seen him. Ever since his parents met with an accident he has been busy so we didn't meet much. He is working hard in his Dad's company and has taken over everything so nicely.

He runs a shopping website and my Dad owns a textile business. So, Nikhil and Dad work a lot with each other.

I rushed to the meeting room to meet Dad and Nikhil. I had to give my Dad a good news and basically there need not be any reason why I want to meet Nikhil. I always want to see him when I know he is around ever since I was thirteen.

I was just going to open the door of the conference room when Mr. Saxena interrupted me.

"Sameera you can't go inside. A meeting is going on."

"Thanks for informing me, " I fumed, "I know that a meeting is going on but I want to talk to Dad," and with Nikhil.

"You can't disturb him right now Sameera." He replied completely ignoring my anger.

"When will the meeting end?" I enquired since there was no option left. I will have to wait for the meeting to finish because of this Mr. Saxena.

"In half an hour maybe." He informed me.

Thankyou for wasting my half an hour, Mr. Saxena! I thought.

"Okay, so I am waiting for him in his office untill then." I said.

"Good for you! If you need anything please inform me."

"You don't need to tell me what to do. It's my Dad's office. I know everything here." I said getting irritated.

He left after wishing me to have a good day but I was least interested in his wishes. I only wanted to meet Dad and Nikhil and I couldn't wait.

I went to my Dad's cabin and ordered the staffs to get me a cup of coffee. While sipping my coffee I texted Trisha, my friend. We chatted for almost twenty minutes when I noticed the time. I said goodbye to her and rushed to conference room no. 2.

The meeting had still not ended but I waited. After more twenty minutes, the meeting ended. And I couldn't wait to tell Dad the good news. I get too happy with little things. But I also get irritated when something little bad happens. Anyway, I went to Dad and screamed at top of my voice, "Dad!"

"Stop shouting Sam!" My Dad ordered. "Why are you excited so much?"

"Dad I won first prize in the fashion show and everyone loved my designs," I beamed, "And remember you said that it is impossible for me to win this competition but I proved you wrong. I worked so hard, you know! I worked day and night for it. It's true hard work pays off..." I began boasting about my achievement.

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