Chapter 37

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Sameera's P.O.V.

This was the first day, I am teaching the kids. There's absolutely no difference between playing with them or teaching them. They are as interested in learning as they are always to play games with me. It's like I am still playing with them, the only difference being there is a notebook and a pencil instead of ball or a toy. I just can't get enough of the love that they have been showering me with.

I went back home right after the classes were over.

I started drawing. Not a dress. But just something randomly. It feels nice, like an escape when I am with my drawing notebook. All my concentration is on the pencil and not on my shitty life.

Suddenly the doorbell rang making me startled. I guess Miss Anna got the doorbell repaired finally.

Ugh! Won't anyone let me work properly.

I opened the door and got shocked to see who it was.

Aayansh was standing on the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

He ignored me and instead came inside.

He looked around the house just the same way his brother did a week ago.

"Why are you here, Aayansh?" I asked him.

He looked at me. "I came to invite you." He said softly. There was a hint of sympathy. I don't want that. I know the house is not so good but it's not even that bad!

"For?" I asked him irritably.

His aura completely changed. From sympathetic to his usual rude self.

"Nikhil and I are planning to organise a grand party to announce our collaboration. On your wedding anniversary."

How dare he! After kicking me out of his office he has the audacity to invite me to a party!

"I won't come." I answered. There was no doubt in my tone. But, I know he is not going to stop.

"I am not asking you! I am telling you to come." Ofcourse Aayansh arrogant Singhania doesn't know how to request or ask.

"You are no longer my boss Mr. Aayansh Singhania. So, stop ordering me. And what makes you think that I would attend this stupid party of yours."

"Ughh! U won't listen. Right?"

"No." I replied.

"Please. Please come!" He spoke.

"Wait, Aayansh Singhania is requesting me?"

"Listen I can't do this. You are just going to come!" He snapped at me.

"That's more like the Aayansh I know."

"Are you?''



"None of your business!"

"It is my business."

"I don't understand why you are so interested in my life. Why do you want to know the reason behind everything? What's your problem if I am not coming to this stupid party of yours?"

"Listen! I am not interested in anything to do with you! All I care about is my reputation! I don't want this deal to be surrounded by any sort of a controversy. So, please just do one thing, come and show this stupid face of yours to the paparazzi." He snapped at me.

I just can't beleive there was a time when I used to consider this man selfless.

He is the most selfish, self-centred, insensitive, inconsiderate, self-regarding, self-absorbed person I have seen. As if taking away my job wasn't enough, now he wants me to attend the party meant to the celebrate the very reason I lost my job!

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