Chapter 61

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

"His hatred for my parents won in front of his love for his niece." She completed.

She was crying hysterically so I hugged her to comfort her.

She stayed in my arms for a long time. After she stopped crying, I gave her the water bottle, with which she drank a few minutes ago.

After drinking she returned me the bottle. "Are you fine?" I asked her softly.

"Yes." She replied meekly.

I can't believe everything that Sameera said. I always thought she had the best life. But, now that I know everything, it's not even close to it.

Just thinking about an eight year old girl, locked in a house for days, while her parents are lying dead in some corner of the city.

I can't even bring myself to imagine how she would have managed herself having no one to take care of her for months.

I looked around the orphanage. She spent so many months here. No wonder she connects with the kids here. She knows how it feels. She has felt it too.

They don't want sympathy. All they crave for is love, care and some attention.

She might have also craved for that love, care and attention. It somewhat made me feel guilty. I had always thought about Sameera as someone who is proud of her wealth and doesn't understands emotions. But I was so wrong. So wrong. She was right when she said I don't know anything about her. I really don't.

She has has been carrying this trauma with herself for years and had no one to even share with. On top of that Nikhil also left her. I did too.

Now it all makes sense. Why she never wanted to return to her Mr. Oberoi's house. It was not because he didn't trust his daughter. And why everyone says she looks like her mother. Maybe she does.

That reminded me of the picture I saw in Sameera room when I stayed over.

"The picture that is in your room, is that of your parents?" I asked her.

"You have seen them?"

I nodded.

"Yes." She answered.

"I was confused when I saw them. And that day Mr. Sehgal said you look like your mother, that confused me even more."

She chuckled.

"What was your parents' name?"

"Amar and Meera." She answered.

I lips parted with shock. Meera? Shit. That's why she was taken aback when I called her Meera.

"It's so cool. I have my mother's name in mine." She smiled at me.

"What did they do?"

"My Dad was an engineer and my Mom was still studying. She wanted to become a Doctor. It was dream. I wanted to become a Doctor myself so that I can fulfill her dreams. But, I got the lowest in Science in tenth standard. So, Dad didn't let me take it." She said.

"She still would loved looking at you become such a good designer. Working in one of the best design company. She would have been proud of you."

"I know. She would love me for whatever I do. I know it." She answered.

I smiled at her.

"So, this is the reason why you are still mad at Mr. Oberoi?"

"No I am not. Not anymore. I have forgiven him. Infact I have moved in again."

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