Chapter 35

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Sameera's P.O.V.

So I told the lawyer everything she asked me that was required for the case.

"Sameera, I don't understand one thing. Why aren't your parents helping you? Is it because they are conservative? Do they think that marriages are a sacred bond that should not be broken? Or they don't want you to divorce since you are a woman?"


Ofcourse not. Dad is definitely not conservative or a male chauvinist.

"He doesn't trust me!" I answered her dolefully. "He thinks I am lying or something, just to break this marriage. He thinks Nikhil can't do anything that I am accusing him of."

"You father trusts your husband more than you?" She asked surprised.

There is nothing surprising to that for me. It has always been like that for me. He has never trusted me before so how can I expect him to trust me now.

"How does it concern our case?" I asked her. I don't like talking about this with anybody.

"It doesn't. But the judges may be convinced in favour of Mr. Ahuja more if your family gives a statement in his favour." She said.

"He is not my biological father." I told her. "He is my father's elder brother. After my parents' death he adopted me legally as their daughter. He is not my real father."

"I didn't know you aren't Mr. Samar Oberoi's own daughter."

"Miss Anna has the adoption papers, if it is required." I offered her.

I have always tried to hide the truth that he is not my real father. But, if this would help my case and help me freeing myself from Nikhil then I will use it.

"I don't think it would be. But better keep it handy."

"Ok I will."

"Sameera, you need to find some witness. Try contacting the girl you said you found Nikhil with. If she agrees to, it will be a solid proof against him."

"I will try, but I don't think she would agree to say the truth."

When big businessmen like Aayansh Singhania can fire people just to be in the good books of Nikhil, then what is this girl. Lisa is his business partner's daughter. She will never go against Nikhil. And any girl wouldn't take the risk of spoiling her reputation by accepting to have a relationship with a married man. But still I will try. Maybe she will.

"Yes please. If she doesn't agree we will appeal to present her before the court."


"Anyway, I will draft the papers till then. If there's some updates, please inform me."


"One more thing Sameera, what about alimony?"

"I don't want his money." I said instantly.

The last thing I want is his money. I want to be independent now. The only reason I am in this situation is because I've always been dependent on someone. First my so called Dad then my ass of a husband.

"I don't think that's an intelligent idea Sameera. I can clearly see that you are in a financial crisis and it is also your right. After all you left your education midway only for your husband. So, you deserve it."

"I don't know all of these. But, I don't want to demand anything financially. All I want is freedom. Freedom to live life like I want and not what he wants. Freedom from his name."

"As you wish Sameera."


I don't have Lisa's number. I need to do something... Maybe Akhil will help me. He might have her number and he also knows about Nikhil and Lisa. But the chances are very slim that he will help me against his best friend. It's still worth a try.

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