Chapter 29 (Past)

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Sameera's P.O.V.

You are fired.

His words ringed in my ears. It felt like a huge blow on me. The only thing, the only hope I had left is now taken.

I am back to where I was.

My mind instantly went back to how in just a few weeks my life changed completely. How everything that happened, happened for worse.

I remembered how this job was the only good thing happening in my life and now this is also snatched away from me.

Everything flashed in front of me.


Sameera's P.O.V.

"Mike kept telling me that he has some important work all throughout the week and he can't be available on my birthday and he even left the house to go to Washington just a few hours before my birthday. But at 12, exact at 12 midnight, all the lights of the apartment went off and I was so scared. I went out of my room to see what happened and the moment I stepped my foot in the living room all the lights came back and there he was with my whole family, my mom, dad, sister Anna, Aunt Jenna and Mike's sister. They were all standing at the doorway and were singing happy birthday to me. I was so surprised and then we cut a cake they brought for me and Mike gave me this necklace," Rachel said placing her fingers on the necklace she was wearing, "and asked me to wear today and I didn't know why to wear such a beautiful necklace on a normal day. Then he threw this party for me. He also took leave on my behalf from my boss..."

I kept my glass of wine on the counter and told my so called, showing-off, and only friend here,

"Rachel, listen I am very tired. I should be leaving it's getting too late."

"Why? We are having so much fun!" Of course she is having fun saying every other person what Mike did for her. But me? A big NO! And since I don't have any other company apart from her, I have no other option but to tag along with her and listen to her boasting about her husband's surprise for her to every other person. I have lost count of how many time I have heard her story.

A part of me is jealous of them. It's been so many years they have been married to each other and still they are so happy. They just compliment each other so well. You still can see the charm in them.

"No, I just don't feel good. You all enjoy!" I replied to her making an excuse.

"Fine! Thanks for coming." She said giving me a hug.

I drove back to our apartment and reached at 11 p.m. As expected Nikhil was still not at home. I went to our room and called him but as usual he didn't pick up my phone. So I waited for him.But, I don't know when I slept waiting for him.

I woke up exactly at 6:10 a.m. the next morning. I looked around myself but Nikhil was not in the room so I went out of the room to look for him and found him sipping coffee in the living room with his eyes engrossed in his phone.

"Where were you last night?" I asked angrily.

"Busy, doing work." He replied for the hundredth time. This is his reply always.

"What such work do you do that keeps you busy even after midnight, Nikhil?" I questioned getting irritated with his constant behavior.

I waited for him to answer my question but he just ignored as if I didn't even exist.

"Answer me!"

"What to answer? You know what work I do! For once, instead of complaining you can support me for how much efforts I make so that you can have a luxurious life." He yelled at me and blamed me. I never want him to spend time working till late at night just to give me a luxurious life. I want him. His time.

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