Chapter 67

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

My business trip had been a tiring one. But, I am glad everything went well.

I reached home late at night. Mom was as usual waiting for me but surprisingly so was Kavya and Karthik.

They were playing some board game. The moment I entered the living room Mom got up saying that she will bring me my dinner.

Kavya asked me, "Are you fine, Bhai."

I know she is talking about Sameera. I as scared about talking to her tomorrow.

What will her answer be?

What if she makes the decision that she can never give me a chance?

What will I do then?

What if she realises that she can never love me?

All these thoughts had been eating me up for the last few days. I don't know why I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen?

"Yeah." I replied to her.

I looked at Karthik leaving the room from the corner of my eyes.

What happened to him?

"Kavya go and call Dhruv as well," Mom suddenly came back and said. Then she looked at me and said, "he is staying over today. He said that he will have his dinner after you return."

Kavya went towards the guest room to call her boyfriend. I went to Karthik's room to talk to him and know what's wrong.

"Karthik, is something wrong?" I asked him.

"No bhai." He said looking at his feet. "Why would you ask?"

"I can tell Karthik that something is wrong? Does it have to do anything with the album you are launching with your band?" I asked him.

I am proud of Karthik for coming up with the idea to launch his own album. I was not convinced at first but when he showed me some of his works and explained me his plans I was really proud of him. And I hope nothing goes wrong with it. After all it's about my brother's dreams.

"No. Everythings going smoothly."


"Give up Bhai!" He said irritated.

"Is it about Kriti?" I asked him.

When he looked at me with 'how do you know' eyes, I knew my guess was correct.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"She broke up with me."

I hugged him. I know it must have been something petty like always.

I have grown used to listening Karthik's rambling about how they fought and broke up and the reasons are always foolish. Atleast Sameera and I never fought for foolish reasons.

"I don't like how our relation is completely based on what is happening in her sisters life. She always -"

"Did you mean Sameera?"

"Of course Bhai. Who else?"

"But how is Sameera responsible?"

"Because of the fight you both had that day on the terrace, she is upset how you treated her and fired her. She thinks because of that she-"

Fired her?

"What do you mean by "fired her"? I didn't fire her!" I asked him confused.

"Kriti said you and Kavya fired her."

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