Chapter 51

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Sameera's P.O.V.

I woke up around 8 a.m. All about yesterday kept repeating in my mind. A dread passed me just thinking about it.

Nikhil is in the hospital because of me. I hit him. What will happen now? It's a good thing I recorded everything yesterday, but I need a good lawyer now. I don't want to go to jail.

It was all in self defence. If Nikhil files a case against me then I will have to prove myself innocent. But is Nikhil even going to do that? Or he might try to blackmail me using this. He will never leave any chance to get what he wants from me. And, he wants to get back together by hook or crook. And I am not going to give him that opportunity.

But how did I come back home last night? Last I remember, I was with Ayan at the hospital. What happened after that.

Did I sleep? Then I remembered how I was crying hysterically on his shoulder. Shit! That must have been so embarrassing. But, did Ayan drop me home last night.

Of course who else would. He could have woken me up but he had to act like my hero!

I got ready in a hurry because I already woke up late and I don't want to reach office late.

After taking a bath and wearing my office dress, I came out of my room for breakfast.

I could smell Dosa being made. I can't wait to have my breakfast. Miss Anna makes the best South Indian dishes. But the moment I entered the living room I got surprised seeing Aayansh Singhania sleeping on the sofa!

What is he doing here? Oh my god! Did he sleep here last night? But he could have gone home right? And why is he sleeping in the couch. He could have slept inside.

I went to wake Ayan up but Miss Anna stopped me. "Don't Sameera. Let him sleep. Don't disturb him." She whispered and took me inside the kitchen.

"But he has work. He always reaches office by now." I argued.

"Sleep is more important than work." She said. "Anyway I have made Dosa for breakfast today. I am taking some for the kids at the orphanage. I also have to take Ravi to the hospital. So, I will be late. So please serve yourself and this fine gentleman here as well. I have made the batter and Sambar, Chutney, everything. You just need to make the Dosa. Can you do that?"

"Yeah I will manage. You please go. Ravi is more important."

Ravi has a medical condition. He just got a surgery. So, he need to keep going for a check-up. Dad has funded all his medical expenses. He needs attention right now. So, I didn't stop Miss Anna. But, I do not know how to make a Dosa!

I sighed when Miss Anna left. I should wake Ayan up. He need to have breakfast and if I don't wake him up he will accuse me only that because of me he couldn't work. Mr. Workaholic!

I woke Ayan up. His eyes snapped open the moment I jerked him up. Such a light sleeper he is.

"What time is it?" He asked in his morning voice. I was almost drooling at his husky voice.

"9:30 a.m."

"Oh my god! Why didn't you wake up? I am late for work!" He snapped at me.

"How are you late? Aren't you the boss!"

He gave me an "are you serious" look.

"I think I should go!"

"Atleast have breakfast. You must be hungry."

"No it's fine." He argued.

"Miss Anna especially made it for you. Please have it!" I insisted him.

"Miss Aana! That lady!" He sighed.

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