Chapter 59

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Sameera's P.O.V.

I woke up when something fell on me with a thud!

"Aahhh, what happened!" I shouted and got up to see my sister lying on top of me.

"Wake up, bitch!" Kriti shouted.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Don't you remember, you told Dad that you will be coming back today. So, I am here to take you. Get up now, we have to pack your things and then you have to go to office as well. We can't be late. Get up!" She said.

"Two more minutes!" I whined.

"Nooo!!! Get up! We don't have much time." She pestered.

"What time is it?" I asked taking a yawn.


"What the hell are you saying!" I said getting up, instantly. I will get late for office. Shit!!!

I quickly took my clothes out and went inside the bathroom to take a shower after ordering Kriti to pack my belongings in the suitcase.

I quickly completed my morning routine and took a bath in just fifteen minutes and got out to see Kriti had also completed packing everything. After all there wasn't much to pack anyway.

I removed my phone from the charger only to get shocked after seeing the time. '6:53'!!!!

"Are you crazy, Kriti!" I screamed at my sister.

"I am sorry, but you were not getting up!"

"So, you got me ready so early. What is even the need."

"I am very excited. I don't want us to be late. Now stop whining and let's go!"

"Kriti...I even slept late." I said while yawning.

"You can compromise your one day's sleep. Now come on let's meet Miss Anna before leaving!"

We met Miss Anna. She got emotional seeing me leave. I had to console her saying that I am just a few kilometres away. She reminded me that I have to come every evening to teach the kids.

"Mom has made your favourite breakfast!" Kriti said while we were in car.

I smiled. I missed this special treatment. I don't know whether I am doing the right thing by going back or not, but I know I can't leave everything and everyone behind. Mom, Dad and Kriti are my only family. So, I am going back to my parents' house only with hopes of having stronger relations this time.

Living with Miss Anna had been the best decision. The kids in the orphanage never let me feel alone. But they always reminded me that I am one of them. They always remind me that just like them I am also an orphan.

So, I am going back to the place where I felt a sort of belongingness. I don't want to pity myself by living among them anymore. I want to forget this feeling.

Last night was one of the best nights I had in the past few months. Dad made sure to make my birthday special. He made me feel like that young child once again whom he adopted after her parents died and gave all the love and attention he could. Last night was just about me.

Last night! The beginning of the night wasn't so happening. Since I was really down because of the absence of my boss. But, once Ayan graced my party with his presence, everything was amazing.

"You both were only looking at each other as if you are in love."

"Because he loves you!"

"If there is nothing in your heart for my brother then stay away from him."

"Happy Birthday, Sameera."

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