Chapter 33

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Sameera's P.O.V.

I called one of my old friends who is a lawyer. I told him the entire thing.

"Sameera I am not a divorce lawyer. But if you want I can refer a few."

"Thanks J! That would be nice."

"But Sameera will you be able to manage? I mean you are going for contested divorce since I don't think he is going to give you divorce easily. You need to have proof against him that he is engaging in adultery. So, the fees of the lawyer is going to be high and you will also need money for paperwork and everything." He told me after hearing my case.

"I will try to figure something out. Please send me the number of the lawyer."

In a few seconds, my phone pinged with his message. He sent me numbers of two divorce lawyers.

He also wrote, "They both are my friends. Don't worry they will help you."

I called on the first number.

She was a family lawyer.

After she picked up my call I introduced myself and told her my case.

"Mrs, Ahuja, this isn't going to be easy. We need to prove in the court that your husband is having an extramarital affair. As per what you are saying, I think he has already covered up his track. I would suggest you to talk to him and maybe you both should try for a mutual divorce."

"That is not possible. He doesn't want to divorce me. I don't know why! But, I can't stay with a man who has cheated on me."

"I totally understand Sameera."

"What should we do then?" I asked her.

"Why don't you do one thing? Come and meet me in my office. We will be able to discuss everything properly."

She is giving me an appointment. This means I will have to pay the fees. I don't have a lot of money. But this is the only option I have!

"Ok I will come!" I told her.

I will do anything but not let Nikhil dictate my life.

I need to arrange money from somewhere!

While I was just thinking about my miserable life, there was a message on my phone. From Nikhil.

Talked with your ex-boss just a few seconds ago. See I told you sooner or later he is gonna realise what is right for him. I must tell you Sam no one else is gonna give you a job without any experience. Don't make a fool of yourself. Both of us know that you need me. So, it's better you stop with this drama and come back with me.

Tears flew down my eyes! I can't let this man win!

Aayansh's P.O.V.

"So let's sign the deal. Tomorrow we can meet and sign the deal?" I said to Nikhil Ahuja who was on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah! So tomorrow it is." He answered back and then I cut the call.

I remembered Sameera's words. "A man who is sleeping with other girls behind my back."

The moment my conversation with Sameera ended and she left after resigning I called Nikhil Ahuja to set an appointment to lock our deal which was left midway. All that I keep thinking about is Sameera's tear-filled eyes. Her crying face. I can't get it out of my mind. I have never seen her like this in my entire life. She was always this strong girl who could even save a man from a bunch of goons, fight for everything that was not according to her and not give a damn about what others think. But this Sameera is completely different.

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