Chapter 12 (Past)

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Aayansh's P.O.V.

I have been working at Oberoi Manufacturing Pvt Ltd for almost two weeks but today was a long day and I was very tired. I worked really hard today and the last few days. I want to make the best out of this opportunity. I am at my final year in college and after that I want to start-up my own business. My sister wants to be a fashion designer and wants to start her own label and I want to help her in the best way possible. So, I have to learn everything from Mr. Oberoi I can in this one year. He is one of the biggest businessman of the country and is known for his innovative business ideas. There is a lot to learn from him. He is my role model and I wish to be like him one day.

One more highlight of the day was bumping into Mr Oberoi's daughter, Sameera. I couldn't stop myself from staring at her when I first saw her.

She was looking so beautiful even after making faces while seeing the screen guard of her phone break. I couldn't stop looking at her beautiful black eyes and her natural brown hairs which kept coming over her forehead and she would tuck it behind her ears with her fingers. She had a baby face which made her look innocent but I realised otherwise when she opened her mouth and insulted me for absolutely no reason.

She is the most arrogant person I have seen in this office. How can she be Mr. Samar Oberoi's daughter? He is so humble and she is mannerless and definitely spoilt because of her rich lifestyle.

Why do all the beautiful girls have to be arrogant and spoilt?

I was just packing my things to leave when Mr. Oberoi came to me.

"Aayansh I am really very impressed with you. I must say you are really talented. In fact everyone were praising you." Mr. Oberoi said.

"Thankyou sir," I replied, "It's so kind of you. I just want to do my best and learn a lot from you."

"I am sure you would. And believe me you will get promotion soon. Complete your graduation soon."

"Actually sir I want to start my own company after completing my studies." I informed him.

"Oh! That's great! All the best with your plans. I'm sure you're gonna make it big out there. " He said making me smile broadly. He is such a great person.

I thanked him for his wishes after which he left. I also left the office and headed towards home.

"Hey bro! You back?" My sister Kavya questioned as soon as I entered our apartment.

She is the only one who accompanied me here. My mom is still in Delhi and my brother is with her for highschool. My mom has worked really hard to send us to big colleges. So, I want to give her the life she deserves. I want to make her proud.

"No, " I replied, "I am still on the way. "

"Not again bro! " She said irritatedly. "Anyway I am going out with my friends. So TTYL. "

"What does TTYL mean?" I shot. I really don't get these internet abbreviations. I don't understand why people use them. What's the harm in saying the complete phrase. While typing is still understandable but while normal conversations it made no sense at all to me.

"It means talk to you later." She said while going towards the door.

"Okay, when you'll be back?" I questioned but she left without listening me. I knew she won't be back before dinner so I didn't bothered to call her and ask. Instead I went to my room and began studying. I can't waste time because now I won't get much time with internship and college and my semesters are also near.

Sameera's P. O. V.

When I went back to Dad's office after that phone-breaker, idiot completely spoiled my mood, I couldn't find Dad at office. Mr. Saxena said he had left for some conference meeting. So, I came home after buying a new iPhone for myself. I wouldn't had to if I didn't meet that bastard today.

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