Chapter 22 (Past)

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Sameera's P.O.V.

It's been two hours since I called Ayan and asked him to come to the orphanage. He still hasn't reached.

I know he is busy with work and college so I didn't bother him by calling continuously. He must be busy doing something.

I waited for him for two more hours but there was no sign of him. I called him but he didn't pick up my call.

I messaged him, 'where are you Ayan. I am waiting for you in the orphanage!'

It was getting late and the way to my home from the orphanage is not nice. Still I kept waiting for him.

I called him but he didn't pick my call yet. If he would have had picked up, I would had said not to come and left. I can't leave without informing him. What if he comes and I am not here. He wouldn't like that.

The kids were already gone to bed. I called him again and again but there was no response. I sat on the garden of the orphanage waiting for him since I didn't have any other option.

After a long time, I heard shuffling from behind me. I turned around to see who was there.


Ayan was stumbling and couldn't even stand properly. He was drunk! He never drinks. I wonder why today.

I went to help but he just pushed me. I was shocked.

"Just stay away from me."

"Ayan you are drunk. Let me help you. You can't even walk properly." I requested him trying to hold him again.

He pushed me again. This time more harshly.

"What's wrong Ayan?" I screamed.

"Why? Why did you do that?" He shouted as well. He was almost on the verge of crying.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Why did you do this to me? I loved you and you were doing this behind my back. Why did you play with me? Play with my emotions."

"What are you talking about?"

He took out his mobile from his pocket and showed me something. I looked at the picture.

It was a picture of me kissing Nikhil.

How can he have that picture? Who clicked this picture? And why?

"Listen Aayansh, it's not what you think. This was..."

"Are you in this picture?" He asked me.


"When is this picture of?" He asked me.

"Um.. listen to me Ayan!"

"Answer the question." He screamed making me flinch.


"It's over between us!" He said.

"What? How can you say that! Let me explain once! It's not what you think."

"Then what it is?"

"It wasn't I..."

"Listen I don't want your made up stories. I don't want you to make me fool once again." He said and left.

My made up stories! I am fooling him! That's what he thinks about me!

No I can try to explain him everything!

I ran after him, "Ayan just listen to me once!" But he ignored and sat on his bike. "Ayan you are drunk. You can't drive." I shouted at him and tried to stop him from sitting on the bike.

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