Chapter 41

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Sameera's P.O.V.

'Oberoi Group breaks all ties with Nikhil Ahuja, is the end of Ahuja Industries close?'

'Ahuja Industries in huge PR crisis since Chairman caught cheating on his wife. Upsets Samar Oberoi.'

'Aayansh Singhania in a party reveals audio of Nikhil Ahuja accepting his misdeeds, leads to break-up of Ahuja Industries and Oberoi Group."

These were the headlines of the newspapers the next day.

One newspaper also had an editorial with the headline, 'Are rich marriages just a business deal?'

Great! Now my life has become a public gossip.

But I don't feel bad about it. Because, Nikhil is finally getting what he deserves.

He has spoiled my entire life. I would have been a designer years ago but I stopped in between to be an ideal wife to him. But he just didn't care.

Maybe I still have a chance to become a designer. Just maybe. If Aayansh is grateful enough.

He already has done a lot for me. He always had.

Kriti was correct. He is my saviour. Always has been.

I will thank him properly today in office.

I was getting ready for going to the studio itself. After a long time I am feeling free.

I was having breakfast, cooked by Miss Anna. I moaned at the taste of the food. That's when the doorbell rang.

"Sameera, your parents are here." Miss Anna called for me from the living room.

Ughh! Now what my legal parents want from me?

Yes that's their only existence in my life.

They are my parents only legally.

The moment I stepped out, my mom hugged me. Though I didn't hug her back but I didn't even push her back. I can't disrespect her.

"I missed you Sam!" She said.

"I didn't!" I said. "Anyway why are you both here?" I asked.

"We are here to take you back." My legal father said. "You don't need to stay here anymore. Come back and stay with us."

"Why don't I need to stay here anymore?"

This caught him off-guard.

"What are sort of a question is this?"

"It's a simple question. Why don't I need to stay here anymore?"

"Because we are here to take you back." He said stupidly.

"And why do you want to take me back?"

I am not a thing that they own which they have come to take back!

"Because you are my daughter," dad said, "and I am your father. Don't you want to stay with your parents? Your family?"

"No. Because staying alone is better than having toxic parents."

"Sameera I know you are mad at me. But please just come and stay with us. After all it's your home as well!"

"It's not my home. If you are talking about the house then I am least interested in any property!" I said.

"Sameera please beta!"

"Thank you! Now you guys can leave. I am getting late for work." I said.

"Okay, we are leaving." He said finally. "But, I just want you to know that I love you a lot and you are my daughter!"

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