The night of the red moon

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"Will you stop that!" Yoongi glared at Taehyung who is walking around back and forth repeatedly while mumbling under his breath. " I swear I'll personally kill you if you do not stop your irritating action this instant!"

Taehyung stopped walking and stood immobile in the middle of the living and stared at Yoongi's direction although his eyes is completely blank as if he was not seeing the fuming demon lounging at the sofa across him.

Yoongi breath in relief when the male finally stopped. He goes back into glaring at the door of Namjoon's bedroom as if willing it to burn down. They had been waiting for the two shaman who was preparing who knows what. Tonight is the full moon and coincidentally, a red moon too. He can feel the dark energy thrumming in the air. Even he is excited for what is to come. This night is a devil's night. And no matter what the outcome maybe, it will benefit him one way or another. He can't help the smirk blooming on is face.


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