Min Yoongi

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It was afternoon. I'm just waiting for Mr. Min to come over so that I can go home. The children's parents called me a while ago. They said that Mr. Min, a distant relative, will come to look after the boys for the weekend. It's almost four. I can't wait to go home already. I need to see Taehyung. I'm still worried about him. I'm not used to him ignoring my calls and messages plus and then there's the murder case near their area. Sigh.

I must have been so deep in thought that I didn't noticed the man who entered the living room and how the boys stood up to welcome him.

"And you are?" I almost jump out of my seat when I heard the booming voice of a stranger. I quickly look to the direction where the voice came from. What I saw is a very pale man. He looks to be in his mid twenties. He had a very intimidating aura. He may look fragile because of his slim buddy but there's something about him that will make you think that he can snap your bones in a blink of an eye. Maybe its his black piercing eyes. He looks cold and menacing. Almost eerrily beautiful.

"I'm Kim Seokjin sir," I answered timidly. Jungkook and Jimin were beside him so he must be who Mr. and Mrs. Jeon has mentioned.

He was looking at me as if he's trying to read my soul. It gives me a shiver.

"Isn't he beautiful Yoongi-sshi?" Jimin said while smiling happily. Like he's showing up a new favorite toy. He walk towards me and hugged my tiny waist in his short chubby arms. "He smell good too."

I don't know how to react to the situation so I just kept quiet. "Let go of him Jimin. I think Jin hyung wants to go home now. " Jungkook pulled Jimin away from me.

"But, isn't this home?" Jimin pouted cutely. Jungkook just stared at him with an annoyed look.

"Not yet, you idiot. So be quiet."

"I think your ready to leave Seokjin-sshi? I'm Min Yoongi by the way. I'll look after the little spawn of hell so you can go." Min Yoongi said in an emotionless voice. I was so surprised with what he referred to the children as. Is it even appropriate? I don't think he is a very responsible person. It might not be the best idea to leave the boys in his care but the parents said he'll take care of them. And I have other matters to attend to so I forced myself to say goodbye to the boys albeit reluctantly. That Min Yoongi better take good care of the boys.

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