Taehyung's Secret

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After I reached my apartment I double locked my door and windows. I don't think I'll be going out tonight. No. Not after everything that happened today. Everything was just so weird.

After taking a bath and eating a simple dish I managed to make I decided to try calling Taehyung's number again. Still not answering. I bit my lip in worry. That's when  I decided to call Taehyung's mom. We're not close because she doesn't seem to like me that much. Or at all.

After the fifth ring someone finally answered. Thanks to Taehyung who thought that I should save her mom's number on my phone.

"H-hello, good evening. Is this Mrs. Kim?  It's me Kim Seokjin,  Taehyung's boyfriend. " I said nervously.

"What do you need?" she seems nervous and irritated.

"Sorry for disturbing you. But, I just want to ask if  T-taehyung is there because he's not answering my call. Is h-he okay?" I heard her sigh.

"He's fine. He's just a little sick. I'll tell him you called." Then she ended the call without even saying goodbye. Knowing that Tae is unwell made me even more worried, but relieved at the same time. Atleast now I know the reason why I can't reach him.

After the call, I dialled the phone number at the Jeon's mansion to check on the kids. I don't have much trust in that Min Yoongi person.

"Hello." It was that Min person.

"Good evening. This is Kim Seokjin, I just want to check on the kids." I said. I feel like a real parent this way. And I can't help but think that someday me and Taehyung will have our own kids as well. It brought smile to my face.

"They're fine. If that is all, then goodbye." The phone call ended. How rude! I placed my phone on my bedside table and decided not to think anymore.

That night, I didn't have a peaceful sleep. I just had the scariest nightmare. I dreamed that I was being pulled back by an invisible force towards the darkness. There was a collar on my neck attached to a long black leash. I kept seeing red and yellow eyes watching me from the darkness. Then there's Taehyung. In my dream I was trying to reach him but everytime I go near him somebody will pull back the leash. Taehyung then would come to me holding a bloody knife in his hand. Even his eyes are bleeding and he was calling my name.

I woke up screaming. I was shaking badly from fear. After that I didn't manage to get any sleep again. I look at the clock on the bedside table. It's 3:30am. I decided to just stay awake till its light outside. Then I'll go visit Taehyung.

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