Kim Taehyung

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I can't believe Jin disobeyed me! I specifically told him not to take up that baby sitting job but still he did it. This makes me really mad at him. I told him he doesn't need part time jobs because I can provide for his needs. But he just have to be so fucking independent. I'm his boyfriend. I want him to be dependent on me. Only me. Why can't he just let me take care of him? Ahh, this is so annoying! I should go see him.

He was so surprised to see me. I can see him packing some of his clothes. "You going somewhere? " I asked while pulling him on my lap. Hmph. As if I'll let him leave.
"No Tae, it's for the baby sitting job I told you about. You know I have to stay there during weekdays. We talked about it yesterday remember?"
I scrunched my face in displeasure. "And I specifically told you not to do it. " I said irritably.
"Tae, I already accepted the job. You know how much I needed the money. " he said while caressing my face. "And please don't tell me how you can pay for my rent and everything. I just don't want to take advantage of you. I want to be independent worthy enough of one Kim Taehyung. The love of my life." He gave me the sweetest smile and a loud smack on my lips. Now how can I argue with that?

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