Friend or Foe

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"We have to be ready before we attack them. And I know someone who can help us." Namjoon said. Both Hoseok and Taehyung looked at him with questioning gaze.

Namjoon smirked. "Suga..."

Then out of the shadows a figure slowly emerged. He has mint colored hair and of short stature but his cold and dangerous aura easily screams power and  dominance.

Hoseok instinctively jumped away from the figure instantly.

"Min Yoongi!"

Taehyung shivered at the deadly aura emanating from the other person. He felt so confused. Everything that is happening seems to be a part of a nightmare and he wanna wake up and hug his Jinnie. Then everything will be right again.

"The hell Namjoon!!! What is the meaning of this?!" Hoseok shouted madly. Min Yoongi is a demon. An enemy!

"Relax Hobi, and put down your weapon. We don't want to accidentally hurt anyone right?" Namjoon answered coolly while pulling Yoongi towards himself all the while ignoring the demon who was glaring at him.

"This is Min Yoongi, or Suga to me. And my ancestors before me. Yes, he is a demon and he serve the devils themselves. But he is on our side, or rather   my side." He smirked. "You see Hobi, he is bound to me."

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