Jealousy and Death PT. 2

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Jin is singing while straightening the crease on his bed. He's really happy because it's friday. Which means he can spend the weekend with Taehyung. He actually missed him. The text and phone calls everyday are not enough.

He was done preparing breakfast and just waiting for the boys to wake up. He decided to open the tv to watch the morning news.

A dead body was found this morning at the juncure of  SM Avenue and YG street. According to police report the body was a
  male and  mangled beyond recognition. The investigation is still on going. For further updates please tu-——

He turned off the tV immediately. The news made him nervous as the place where the dead body was found is near Taehyung's house. He decided to call him just to be sure that his boyfriend is okay. He can hear his ringtone playing but he's not answering the call. This made me more agitated. In my nervousness I accidentally dropped my phone on the floor while pacing in the living room. And that's when I noticed something strange on the floor. Tiny droplets of blood. Where the heck did these came from? 

Eventhough I was feeling scared I decided to follow the trail of the droplets of blood. It lead me at the back of the mansion in the thick bush by the kitchen window. With trembling hands, I was about to push the thick leaves aside to see what could be in there where there are more mount of blood. I was slowly pushing the leaves and branches aside when suddenly a heavy hand landed on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?"

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