unexpected // gojo

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as a side note, i haven't read the manga yet so idk if they feature him in this setting 😝 so he may be ooc. also yes the ending is rushed im sorry babes i wasn't really feeling it near the end 😝😝

warnings: afab reader, possible ooc, highschool au i guess??, typos yum


The sun was high, but nobody could tell anyway, thanks to the grey clouds in the sky. It had been cloudy all day, but not a single drop of rain fell from the skies. For some, they were thankful, as school was coming to an end and they hadn't brought any umbrellas. Others were disappointed for having brought an umbrella for nothing.

You weren't so troubled either way. Rain or no rain, this weather was perfect. The wind was harsh but not so bad that your lips would be chapped tomorrow. The only thing you have to worry about regarding the wind is your hair. Now that the school day is coming to an end, your hair is beyond saving.

Your last class of the day always seemed to drag, much like today. On days like this, you wish you could just be outside with your friends, maybe at an old playground, just having fun. But knowing your friends, they would much rather stay in and drink something warm. Disappointed, you decided if they made plans you wouldn't go. You were going to spend what time you have left outside in that amazing weather, even if it ends up raining.

As the final bell of the day rang and interrupted the teacher who called for his students to come back inside, you rushed out with the others, excited the feel the cool wind on your face once more. A smile took over your features as you walked around the school, heading toward the main exit. You quickly texted your parent(s) regarding your plans, though not giving away too much so they would worry or tell you to come home instead. They texted back a few minutes later saying to just be home in time for supper.

With a widening smile, you left the school grounds and headed to the playground most kids wouldn't go to. As far as you knew, the playground hadn't really been used in years. Children believed an evil spirit resided there, which scared them off. Thankfully, a few highschool students went regularly enough to keep it from being turned into something else.

Today, of course, you hoped nobody would be there. With the weather the way it is, and it being a friday, you assumed all the students would be hurrying home or to the mall. Just your luck though, as you arrived at the playground, you saw two boys in your class hanging around the playground. For a moment you debated on leaving, knowing that now you wouldn't feel as comfortable as you hoped, but as you walked a little closer and saw who it was, a smile rose to your face.

Lucky for you, the only two people here were Satoru and Kento, two of your best friends. You had suspected that Kento would have somehow convinced Satoru to stay in, since this weather would lead to a cold regardless of rain.

As you walked closer to the boys, Satoru smiled and waved from the swings he was standing on. Nanami waved as well, from the bench he was sitting on. The two were complete opposites and it was a miracle they didn't bicker in your presence the way you knew they did when you were gone.

"(Y/N)! You're finally here- we knew you'd come, didn't we Kento?" Satoru cheered.

Kento stood to properly greet you. "Of course. We know how much you love this kind of weather." and he smiled softly, but you'd have to look really hard to notice.

You smiled at the both of them and took a seat next to Satoru on the swings. You looked up at him and would have said something, if not for a sudden crash of thunder interrupting you and scaring you enough to forget what you were saying. The boys (or Satoru, more specifically) laughed at your reaction, but his laughter was cut short as a day drop of rain fell on his forehead.

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